Defining Being

As you may know me.... I try to pen my feelings, with more honesty than with language and grammar. While reading the posts below you may experience what compelled me to write these.
While I was thinking of giving a name to my Blog; this came to me; "Nuances of Being"
Being "Me" is the best that I am at and hope that will show in the posts below

And Thanks for reading


Tuesday, December 28, 2021

A Brief Dialogue


What do you mean you are leaving? You just came, isn’t it? I stated with surprise.

No, but I have been here, for quite some time, almost as much time as I had promised to stay. That was the response, but I was still in disbelief.

Are you sure, you taught me all that you were supposed to? Are you sure you gave all what you came to deliver? My disbelief continued.

Of course, yes; was the confident and reassuring response. But if you learnt

any thing from what I tried to teach is all up to you. So, let me ask did you learn something? Do you feel you are better than where you were when we started this journey?
Now the question was turned on me and I was thinking of an appropriate response. But with a smile and reassurance the statement continued; never mind giving me that answer. I am here for a little bit more, so you answer yourself and then tell me if still something can be taught while I am still here.

That is so kind of you, I responded. I sure will spend some time meditating on what I have learnt over the period that you have been here.

And that was my conversation with the year 2021 this weekend.

I am thinking and will try to enlist how the days were in 2021, what was taught, what was learnt, what was missed and what was accomplished. Will come with that list in a few days hopefully!!!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2021


“Did the fish know that it was wet?” Of course not, as fish has not ever known dry so the concept of wet will not be even possible. For when fish is dry means it is dead. Sometimes we forget this basic fact when dealing with someone whose behavior does not comply with our standards of good. I am not saying accepting or appreciating if the behavior is bad, but while picking one’s reaction, one must know the vantage point other is seeing it from.  Knowing that for the other complying with your view might not even be an option as they might be fish who is always wet (or dead when unwet).

Lately I have been dealing with someone who always manages to annoy, in every single interaction we had. And that was irrespective of the interaction being in person, or phone or email or any other means possible. To conform my belief on that he is doing all this incorrect is the fact that every single person, who deals with him, end up feeling the same way. This person will never fail this belief, not even 1% of the time. So easy to profile, brand, ignore and voice irritation on his behavior. Now, for ease of further conversation let us call him Mr.“P” as in Problem.

Yesterday I was talking with a friend on a totally different topic, and I asked him at some point, “Did the fish know that it was wet?” Due to some unknown reason, Mr. P’s face flashed in my mind for a moment when I said that. That is when it dawned on me; what if this guy doesn’t even know that there is another way? 

What if someone could tell Mr. P that he may even have amphibious traits if he tries to venture out of water? And what if he indeed was a fish and couldn’t do any different?

I just decided that since I don’t have that level buddy-bond with Mr.“P” so I will not be the one imploring him to try and discover amphibious traits. But I will always see his behavior in the light that he may be a fish who can’t be unwet or an amphibian who was never told that it can survive outside water. So will not judge him going forward. Also doesn’t mean that I will not be annoyed at his behavior, but I will stop carrying my frustration for any minute after my conversation with him is over. I sure hope that Mr. “P” – Problem becomes Mr.“P” – Possibility, in some way.

Oh! by the way I might have similar blind spots that I am not aware of (I am sure I do). But I would hope some of you will show me what is in my blind spots so that I can at least attempt to improve. I want to be out of the water I may be in and know that I could stay well when dry.

PS: "Unwet" was not a word till I wrote this. 

"Buddy-Bond" is again something that I don't recollect being used, but I hope both these convey the meaning that I want to use them for

PPS: If you are confused reading the above, never mind; It is a bit odd topic and if you understood what I meant, then thanks, let us discuss and tell me about my blind spots