Defining Being

As you may know me.... I try to pen my feelings, with more honesty than with language and grammar. While reading the posts below you may experience what compelled me to write these.
While I was thinking of giving a name to my Blog; this came to me; "Nuances of Being"
Being "Me" is the best that I am at and hope that will show in the posts below

And Thanks for reading


Sunday, October 16, 2016

Airport -Collage or College

A collage spread in front of the eyes. Colorful, bright, diverse, happy, weird, and so much more, but above all beautiful. That is how I see the airports. Whole life packed in one place with all its nuances. Almost as a miniature world contained within.  I have thought of capturing it with my camera, recording the sounds and the pictures of all what is happening but always refrained from doing the same as capturing will contain and limit what I feel when I am at an airport.

First thing you see is age, from the unborn children still in the safety of the womb under the swollen bellies of their mothers to wheel chaired grown-ups amassing the experience of almost a century, and then everyone in between.

Then you notice the work and leisure contrast between the suited men and women going for the ultra-important meeting. Their body language screaming of the urgency and importance of the travel. Their mannerism as crisp as the crease on their suits. On the other hand you see folks all set for vacation, laughing, planning, clicking pictures while making victory signs with fingers and grinning. Barely able to contain the excitement of the days ahead. Their bodies, their faces, their cloths all giving out their destination and vacation plan to whoever has time to watch keenly.

Next thing you find is the extremes of joy and sorrow. The sad, somber faces of those going to see an unwell friend or family member or to attend a funeral. Striking contrast with the happy and excited faces of those going to celebrate a new born or a wedding or a reunion with family or friends after years. All ends of life from birth to death, health to sickness, celebration to mourning visible in these groups.

And then you see the cultural diversities, fashion statements, food choices, those rushing to catch a plane and those idling to kill time waiting for a long delayed flight and a million more things.

All the diverse groups of people sharing the same space at the airport, waiting for the same aircraft to arrive, boarding the same planes. They may vary in their clothes, food habits, faith, skin color, age, health, financial status, liking, professions, travel needs and so much more. But they all stand unified while waiting for the flight to board. While complaining for the late arrivals. While worrying and pacing to avoid missing a flight. While following airline staff instructions. They join their fate when they sit in the same plane, each experiencing the same turbulence and same service. Every trip through an airport, teaches me how world should be. Unified in diversity. And that is what the "Human Being" is about. Isn't it?