Defining Being

As you may know me.... I try to pen my feelings, with more honesty than with language and grammar. While reading the posts below you may experience what compelled me to write these.
While I was thinking of giving a name to my Blog; this came to me; "Nuances of Being"
Being "Me" is the best that I am at and hope that will show in the posts below

And Thanks for reading


Saturday, December 19, 2015

Creation And Destruction

Nature and Almighty had been really busy for a long time making a beautiful land scape. They filled it with colors and then with character, followed by creatures. The creatures once started the phase of creation became very hectic and tiresome. At some point when they both were tired and wanted to stretch their backs they looked at one the last things they had created. It was a human being. They had already given some higher intelligence to this creature and so they thought that while they rest, human can help carry the process of creation further.

Almighty then brought out a big tool box and gave it to the human and said, “Thou shalt get the power to create” (well, I just used that tone to create the dramatic effect for Almighty saying the words). Anyhow while the power of creation was granted, its twin must be given along with, the power of destruction.

Human was a little concerned at hearing about destruction being twin of creation and both being connected at the hip. Do not worry, nature smiled; the hammer and chisel have to break the stone to shape it into a sculpture so destruction and creation always go hand in hand. Then Nature and Almighty both left the human on its own with a few final words from almighty, “Thou shalt also get free will to create what you want to.” But remember you only bear the consequences of your creation; Nature added. Well that is what human will know later as a term called ‘Karma.’

Once left on its own, with power to create (and destroy) along with the big strength to free will human came into action. Creating the wheel and discovering fire and enrobing itself with leaves and then with clothes and so on, as we all know.

While all that was happening the connection and the constant tension between creation and destruction; the twins was obvious. But still intoxicated by this newly gained powers Human being was totally oblivious of that and did not even realize when the two had started building their own teams against each other.

Creation brought joy to her side and destruction picked sorrow. Then creation approached happiness and destruction picked anger. Understanding moved to the team of creation without even asking and conflict took side of destruction. Openness and closeness didn’t even choose they knew their obvious teams. Love tried to make peace between the two and was badly burnt by destruction and its teammate anger, love peeled off its burnt skin and that burnt skin became hate which quickly teamed with destruction while love remained on the side of creation. Lust and greed followed the destruction’s camp and charity holding compassion’s hand moved to creation’s side. Fear had seen the frightful face of destruction and hence joined its team. Bravery stayed as second nature to creation. The teams kept on growing bigger and bigger. Creation would take long time to create and destruction will destroy that in minutes.

The two who were supposed to be working in tandem had started working against each other, the emotional affiliations they had made became a bigger menace.

Fear that was tasked to alarm and keep alert (and Safe) became aggressive and started motivating to destroy in the name of saving self. Hate that was not even needed became so big that it crushed harmony under its own feet and reason under the other. Passion that had been a great ally of creation changed teams and started supporting destruction. Overall creation started coming to a standstill and all the energies were spent on saving what was created. Destruction slowly crept in through that gap and started using creative genius to make weapons in the name of tools to save what was created. Weapons that could protect if used rightly, but could damage gravely in wrong hands, so where destroying the weapons when they were created could have been an easy solution; creating more destructive weapons to counter the existing ones became the practice. Fear and hate fueled that need.

The controlled hand of an artist that uses chisel and hammer with great caution to shape the masterpiece out of a rock, became the ruthless hand of a monster blindly hammering and crushing the stone to pebbles.

How long will this continue? How long weapons to counter weapons will work? How long hate to counter hate will live? How long reason and harmony stay crushed under the feet of hate? How long love the primary force of creation be seen as a weakness?

Almighty and Nature, please take the free Will back. Please restore the balance between forces. Please make compassion, love, contentment, harmony and reason to prevail. Please put hate, greed, lust, differences to rest; they have already worked more than they should have.

Please restore peace and order of universe.


Tuesday, December 8, 2015

पत्थर सोच रहा. . . . . . . .!

At times you hear what the things in nature have to say. You don't hear them with your ears but with some deeper faculties. Sharing such a thought, can't explain how it was communicated to me but I can assure you that whenever you get to hear from a stone or a rock, it will not be too different from this poem below..... 

पत्थर सोच रहा बैठ कर, 
काश मैं भी कांच सा होता 
एक ठेस पे बिखरा करता 
फिर मुझे भी सहेजा जाता 
ठेस से बचाया जाता । 
टूटता नहीं, तभी तो रोज़ 
हज़ार ठोकर खाता हूँ  
दर्द तो मुझे भी होता ही है 
पर पत्थर हूँ; रो भी न पाता हूँ 
शापित है, सशक्त नहीं 
जो नहीं  टूटता है पत्थर 
काश मैं भी कांच सा होता 
पत्थर सोच रहा बैठ कर । 

Also the alchemist stone or पारस पत्थर as it is called in hindi has another such thought, but that for another day.