Defining Being

As you may know me.... I try to pen my feelings, with more honesty than with language and grammar. While reading the posts below you may experience what compelled me to write these.
While I was thinking of giving a name to my Blog; this came to me; "Nuances of Being"
Being "Me" is the best that I am at and hope that will show in the posts below

And Thanks for reading


Friday, September 27, 2013

LockDown Drill

Monday was the Lockdown Drill* at my son’s school.

Lockdown drill a concept that I have never heard of till very recently. As a father I understand the need for preparedness for the safety of my child and all the children. I respect the schools for thinking and doing such drills. However I can never understand how a human being can become so vile that phenomenon like lock down drill become a necessity.

My son came back from school and asked me a question, “Papa is it true that someone can come to my school and kill children?” I was shocked to hear that, “No son, your school has safety programs and such a thing cannot happen.” I replied; not knowing what else to say. No parent can be rightly prepared for such a conversation. How can one tell one’s own children that the world is a horrid place these days? It is not the same beautiful and wonderful place that our generation inherited from our parents. Somewhere over the years it has been tainted at all levels. 

Sorry; I diverted from where I was; anyhow I wanted that difficult conversation to end but my son further asked, “the school in Connecticut was not safe where someone killed so many children?” My immediate reaction, “who told you about that school?” “My new friend from 4th grade did.” “I don’t know about other places but I know your school is safe my son, don’t be scared.” I wanted to end the conversation. I know he always thinks about things deep and always have questions, and he remembers; I hope he forgets this. I don’t know if that makes me a bad parent; but honestly I am much unprepared to have a conversation like that with my children.

I am an old fashioned father who would rather talk about studies, sports, movies, books, any mischiefs he has done in school, any new game he has learnt and all that stuff. I can make plans like going to the mall, to the beach, to the zoo, visiting museums, libraries, fly kites, read story books and text books. I may run around playing with my children, Laughing, giggling, getting angry at them not having finished their food or homework or not having put their toys in the bin before going to bed. I want to tell them stories about giants and fairies and dwarfs and sailors and players and animals’ even wizards and witches living in strange places and kings and queens living in big palaces. I do not want to talk about someone crazy out there with a weapon trying to kill people or someone losing a friend or family to a war or a terrorist attack.

I want him to prepare for his homework and the school tests and even learn how to cook for himself. I want him to learn how to swim, how to make fire when camping, how to hold the cricket bat to play the right shots. I am talking to him about planting trees (we also have a small mango plant in a big clay pot that hopefully will become a tree in a year or two), about getting close to nature, about our role in improving the global warming situation. Good, easy talk and I think it is very useful. I don’t know how we can be back in a world where teaching these things should be enough and lock down drills are not needed.

My reaction that day was to divert his attention from that conversation by asking him to choose between a soccer game (him Vs. me) in the park or a trip to the mall where he and his younger brother can play in the play area. And I was praying that no one in his school tells him about the park in Chicago* or the Mall in Kenya*

I hope soon we are back in a world where lockdown drills are not needed. I hope for a world where kids can ride their bikes to the parks and country side and play games without their parents acting guards in the same way that I have done when I was a kid. I hope for a world where safety comes naturally and no preparedness is needed. I hope for a world where children can retain their innocence without the fear of them becoming vulnerable. I hope……

*Lock Down Drill Lockdown drill Article

Chicago Park

Kenya Mall
Yahoo- Kenya Mall Seige

Friday, September 13, 2013

How was vacation?

How was your vacation? I have answered this question a few hundred times in last week. Mostly I answer, it was great or it was good or it was fun. But any of those answers don't do complete justice, I wished someone asking this question had hours of free time to really hear how the vacations were and I would love to tell. Below is a teaser, a collage of some snapshots on how the vacation was.

Snapshot 1 à
A journey, Many miles on a hilly road with sharp turns, narrow lanes, pot holes and steep inclines.  Sitting in the 3rd row of a 7 seat SUV. There are 6 adults and 4 children in total in the car. Not packed at all, just comfortably cozy. From the back seat I am enjoying every minute, every turn, and every word that is spoken by any one. Even enjoying the occasional (and at times frequent) shocks caused due to the car moving through an unavoidable pothole or due to unplanned braking to allow the top speed incoming (and at times insane) vehicles to pass by. Enjoying because the 9 others with me make my family. My parents, my kids, my wife, my brother, my sister –in-law and my nephew and niece.  6 days of travelling, living in hotels, stopping at some ethnic road side joints to eat a meal or snacks or just a cup of tea. Those 6 days defined how serene and beautiful life can be.

Snapshot 2à
One restaurant, 4 friends meeting after many years. Their kids meeting each other for the 1st time, but developing an instantaneous bond, as if the friendship was coded in their DNA. Their respective Spouses gelling so well, in spite of not knowing each other well in the past. And all 4 friends lost in the memories of the good old college days. Remembering past, discussing present and sharing future plans. Shedding off all the social and professional identities that they otherwise carry day in day out; in the name of being professionally successful. Laughing their hearts out, playing pranks like they used to do many years ago. Those 4 hours defined how innocent and wonderful life can be

Snapshot 3à
And then another friend and his family, different date, different place but similar experience. Lots of unrestricted fun and lots of uninhibited laughter. The time flew by, many hours and we didn’t even notice. Those uncounted hours defined how uninhibited and carefree life can be.

Snapshot 4à
Small roadside joint, no place to sit; standing with cousins and eating snacks that have been a favorite many years ago. Everyone extremely busy in their day today life but still making time for that rendezvous. Talking loud (that is family signature) and giggling about silly things that we once did as children. Those 90 minutes defined how simple yet marvelous life can be.

Snapshot 5à
Old house, almost in ruins, looking at the stairs, the rooms (whose roofs are giving in against the rain) and the corners. Thinking of the days many years ago when I was living in this house. Living those memories. Meeting with my uncle who has always been there and missing the two who no longer live there. The cousin who left the weak structure with the hope of finding better prospects outside and the aunt who had been the foundation of this structure for many years and who recently left this world for a better heavenly abode. Those 60 minutes defined how memorable life can be.

These and many more, small things yet too big to fill the heart, that is how the vacation back home was. Hundreds of instances making me feel blessed and grateful for what life is….

PS: I hope to share some details in the next posts. Like always it was awesome to be back with family and friend. There were some deeply cherished times and feelings that I would love to share, if my pen and my heart listen to each other J