Defining Being

As you may know me.... I try to pen my feelings, with more honesty than with language and grammar. While reading the posts below you may experience what compelled me to write these.
While I was thinking of giving a name to my Blog; this came to me; "Nuances of Being"
Being "Me" is the best that I am at and hope that will show in the posts below

And Thanks for reading


Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Light Bulb - A lesson in customer service

“Would you mind changing my room?” I asked. Though I think I was very polite in asking given the circumstances, but I knew my frustration was still showing through the politeness of my request. Well of course Sir, I will send someone with the new room keys and details, and sincere apologies for your trouble, he responded.
While I wait for the ‘someone’, I will tell you the chain of events in last 5 minutes that ended with the call. I was on a business travel, had a long day when I reached the hotel at 10PM. The check in process was quick and friendly and I dragged myself to the room, with a plan of taking a shower, having some green tea and then some critical email responses before I sleep. Stepping in the room I was so longing to start as planned. Then I switched a lamp, it didn’t come on, bad bulb, I guessed and moved to the 2nd lamp in row and switched that. And the room was still dark. My plan obviously was shattered, I had decided that it was an issue bigger than a bad bulb, may be the wiring in the room or trip switches.  Not having time or patience to troubleshoot, I stumbled to the phone and called front desk.

“Hi I just checked in and my room lamps are not working, can you give me a different room?” I demanded. “Sir, let me send the electrician with a few spare bulbs and see what is wrong, it might be a bad bulb.” The gentleman at the front desk said in a cheerful voice. “I tried multiple lamps, so I think it is more than just a bad bulb, what is the possibility of multiple bad bulbs at the same time.” I said, concealing my frustration and added without waiting, “Would you mind changing my room?” “Well Of Course Sir” he said and 2 minutes later instead of anyone else he was standing outside my room with a new room key and he helped move my stuff. All well in the new room and I ended executing on my plan.

Why am I telling this story? Because it continued on the next day.
I left the hotel early in the morning and after a long day I reached back my hotel, around 9 PM. I was greeted by the same smiling face as night before. How was your day Sir? He asked. Tiring still better than last night’s situation, I winked with a smile, obviously teasing. He laughed, and said, guess what, the room had two bad bulbs and that is it, just the two that you tried. That is really a bad coincidence, I supported with sympathy.  Not at all Sir, it was a lesson for us. I had a meeting with the house keeping staff and have made sure that they will add 'checking each switch, each bulb and each appliance' in the room as a part of their room readiness checklist. We don’t want any guests to go through the situation like you did last night. It should take almost no extra time to check this. Starting today this is the new norm. His enthusiasm was obvious and somewhat infectious.
Next day I checked out and that experience stayed with me. A week later I received a thank you note from the hotel for helping them improve their processes. I am sure whenever I or any one in my organization visits the same city, that is my recommended hotel, because they listened.

I work for service industry, on the technology side and this experience helped me (re) learn a few things. The Light bulb came ON for me!
A)  More than one  inaccuracies of similar type can be perceived by client as a deeper issue needing major action (in my case I changed room, but a client may replace vendor)
B)  Trying to underplay the issue, playing coincidence card or forcing a solution to client against their plan may escalate damage
C)  Accepting the client suggestion with genuine interest in solving the issue (however tough the stakes are) always pays
D)  Informing the client on how you plan to safe guard against similar situations in future can further strengthen your commitment for future
E)  Thanking the client after the fact for raising the issue and helping improve the solution is a must as the most difficult client is one who is not happy but will not complaint

F)  Empathic service is always best sales strategy for service industry.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

कुछ चीज़ें बेशकीमती होती हैं - बस एक रात

एक और याद, जो शायद 1987 से 1995 के बीच ही हुआ, इस लिए कुछ नयी पीढ़ी वाले दोस्त, भाई, बहिन शायद इस का उतना लुत्फ न ले पाए.... और इस बार सिर्फ ४ पंक्तिया क्यों कि अगर आपको यह याद वहां ले गयी जहा से यह आयी है तो आप कई किस्से सोच के  खुद ही मुस्कुरायेंगे.
तो चलिए फिर  मिलिए उस एक रात से और सोचिये। ..... 

कुछ चीज़ें बेशकीमती होती हैं 
जैसे बस वो एक रात...... 
दोस्त , यार , मोहल्लेदार 
एक दिन में प्लानिंग 
दो दिन का लंबा इंतज़ार 
एक नयी , एक पुरानी 
एक अंग्रेजी और एक डरावनी 
रात बस एक और फिल्में चार 
और एक किराये का वी सी आर (VCR)
कुछ चीज़ें बेशकीमती होती हैं 

कुछ चीज़ें बेशकीमती होती हैं 

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Trick or Treat - Anyone?

Whenever I feel I may not be brave, I think of that night that comes once every year. The night when I bravely stand them.  I am talking of the night when my house is visited by the strangest creatures. The ghost and the goblins, the ninjas, the wizards and witches, the zombies and the fairy princesses holding hands with each other (yes the fairy princess and the zombie holding hands) as if it is all normal. I face them not only with no fear, but a hint of smile, welcome them to the threshold of my house, and comment on their cuteness in spite of the ferocity of their looks. It always ends with me offering something more precious (to them) then my soul (even to those vampires), a bowl full of chocolates.
Trick or Treat they yell. Though I want to see the tricks these mini ghosts are capable of performing, but the look on their faces make me offer the sweet treats I am holding and they are always so kind to spare my soul intact and even thank me for the chocolate. Secretly I am tempted to play a few tricks of my own on them, but the look on those painted faces (when getting the candy) is so precious that I have to suppress that urge. (The thought how other parents may treat me next morning at the school bus stop is a strong reason as well)

Halloween Night, the night to disguise and the night to trick or treat. The night to invoke in you whatever you fancy.
Halloween, a festival I didn’t even know exited, while growing up in India. But we had our fair share of trick or treating as kids on Lohri (a festival celebrated in most of north India in January). We will go our version of trick or treating in the day collecting goodies from the homes in the neighborhood, and have songs ready for those kind generous neighbors who treat you well. And some not so friendly songs full of satire for those who don’t want to share with little kids dressed as peasants. Sunder –mundariye HO!…tera kaun vichara HO!…. The song went on with claps and foot thumping with someone starting to dance at the tune and others joining. The cold winter day filled with warmth of fun and festivity. And then the collection from the day taken to the center of community for a huge bonfire, the woods to burn and the peanuts and the rewri (a hard candy made with molasses and sesame seeds) to be offered to fire before savoring the taste. Also the dressed up “Emperor Deer” Dance a specialty of a small city of Udhampur (and neighboring villages) in J&K, the state where I spent all my school years.
I miss those moments and those days, but Halloween brings it all back, changed to a new format. “Sunder Mundriye” is “Trick or Treat” now. Emperor Deer and his followers (mostly antelopes, with occasional other animals) morphed into more creative beings. But the spirit is same. The feel is same. The festivity is same. The fun is same. The thread is same that runs through the beads making the beautiful necklace. The Necklace that connects us all through the countries and continents.
Trick or Treat was a few weeks ago, Sunder Mundariye is a few weeks away and I am sitting in the middle, contemplating how my childhood is woven with the childhood of my kids, though in different times, different nations, following different traditions, celebrating different festivals still feeling the same.

The hand that runs the thread through the beads, smiles from heaven and asserts, “This is my Trick and this also is your Treat.”

Thursday, November 10, 2016

कुछ चीज़ें बेशकीमती होती हैं - कॉलेज के दिन

पिछले साल ग़र याद हो, अपनी कुछ बेशकीमती यादो तो आप सब को सुनाया था । कुछ पुराने लम्हे साँझा किये और फिर से जिये । वादा किया और कुछ कहने का, पर मसरूफियत यादो को धुन्दला देती है.... आज एक और बेशकीमती याद बाँट रहा हूँ, शायद फिर से पिछले साल जैसा सिलसिला शुरू हो सके. नीचे पिछली यादों का पता भी है, अगर फिर से उन्हें देखने का दिल करे।
अच्छा लगे तो बताना.....

अब कॉलेज के दिन,,,,,,,,

कुछ चीज़ें बेशकीमती होती हैं
जैसे कॉलेज के वो पहले दिन
सतरंगे और रुपहले दिन
नए लोग, नयी जगह
नई चुनौती नई वजह
कुछ कर गुज़रने का जज़्बा
पर मस्ती करने करने की मंशा
कैंटीन की चाय और ब्रेड पकोड़े
जान से प्यारे दोस्त --- थोड़े
हॉस्टल से मेस तक ठहाके लगाना
मेस के खाने में गलती बताना
परीक्षा के दिनों दिन -रात जागना
परिणाम वाले दिन  मंदिर को भागना
छोटी-छोटी बातोँ पर भी धरने का सोचना
ज़िन्दगी में कुछ बड़ा कर गुज़रने का सोचना
दिवाली पे घर वालो को याद कर
दोस्तों संग अनार -पटाखे फोड़ना
वह चार साल नई ज़िन्दगी बना गए
क्या कुछ सिखाया क्या कुछ दिला गए
अब भी याद में ताज़ा है
कॉलेज के वो पहले दिन _ _ _कुछ चीज़े बेशकीमती होती हैं

कुछ चीज़े बेशकीमती होती हैं