Defining Being

As you may know me.... I try to pen my feelings, with more honesty than with language and grammar. While reading the posts below you may experience what compelled me to write these.
While I was thinking of giving a name to my Blog; this came to me; "Nuances of Being"
Being "Me" is the best that I am at and hope that will show in the posts below

And Thanks for reading


Sunday, March 25, 2018

चवन्नी जमा अठन्नी खर्च

In the middle of days, took a pause and just spent a few moments with life and below is a quick balance sheet.....

चवन्नी जमा अठन्नी खर्च

ज़िन्दगी एक रुपइया कुल 
चवन्नी जमा, अठन्नी खर्च 
बाकी कही इधर उधर धर के भूले हैं 

कुछ सिक्के शिकवों के नीचे 
कुछ बेकार ही डर के पीछे 
कुछ ख्वाब ख्याल में खोये 
बाकी याद नहीं कहाँ छूटे  हैं 

कुछ कमा कर, कुछ गवा कर 
कुछ जोड़ा, और कुछ गुमा कर 
नुक्सान-नफा कहाँ समझाएं 
बही नहीं, जो खाता  मिलाएं 
एक कच्ची फहरिस्त की धुंदली सी याद  
उसमें कुछ हिसाब, मैली स्याही के दाग सा 
वो हिसाब भी जमा-घटा कर के भूले हैं

ज़िन्दगी एक रुपइया कुल 
चवन्नी जमा अठन्नी खर्च 
बाकी कही इधर उधर धर के भूले हैं

Saturday, March 17, 2018

A 5th Serving from the back of my notebook

This is 5th post in similar lines. Like last few this one too has  many random thoughts from all over the place. Some of these became dearer to the heart than others. But in a special way this 5th serving is unique as it has a bonus. All the past ones had the words that I had written but this one has a bonus quote that I have not written but passed to me from someone …some one extra special… saved best for the last 😊

I can oppose your opinion without having to oppose you. And you can do the same.

If only I could give right words to what my eyes show to my mind, I could be a great story teller. 

When the sun is setting the shadows grow a lot taller than the actual things

If the birds had not broken the law of gravity, they would have never soared the skies

Never break the law of gravity till you have unwavering faith in the strength of your own wings

Having made the philosopher's stone, the alchemist always loses interest in converting metal to gold

A democracy where one can not ask questions is worst form of dictatorship

You must be your own Servant if you truly want to be your own Master

A child is considered born only after the chord is cut

Having no one else to depend upon can be worst limitation or highest level of freedom based on how one thinks

Everyone has just one obligation that is to oneself, everything else is an extension of that

Every revolution that changed the world, started with a thought that was ignored by the mainstream

Real value of water is best known to parched lips

If I cannot respect your silence, I should not be worthy of your words either

A hammer and a chisel is all you need to cut your way through a mountain, provided you have the right amount of determination

Mostly when I am teaching about life to my kids, is the only time I am truly learning it

After a big argument when you are more concerned about just having a conversation with her than proving your point is the moment where love truly lives

After an exhausting day at work, when your child asks, “Do you need something Papa?” All the stress vanishes and all the needs seem fulfilled, and in that moment love truly lives

And Now for the Bonus -  "A good student can learn from a good teacher but a good teacher always learns from a good student." A quote By Shanuak Dogra

Below are the links for old lists....