A Poem addressed to my younger self, I wish I had this thought when I was in my late teens or early twenties. I hope for those in that age now this may help to channel some thoughts.... And for those who are same age as I am or older, this may help reflect back on some times. Let me know through your comments if I am able to make any sense with this.
Defining Being
While I was thinking of giving a name to my Blog; this came to me; "Nuances of Being"
Being "Me" is the best that I am at and hope that will show in the posts below
And Thanks for reading
Wednesday, December 16, 2020
यह बाग़ है !
Sunday, November 15, 2020
Responsibility; One Way Forward
Stephen Covey
at the word responsibility— “response-ability”—the ability to choose your
response. Highly proactive people recognize that responsibility. They do not
blame circumstances, conditions, or conditioning for their behavior. Their
behavior is a product of their own conscious choice, based on values, rather
than a product of their conditions, based on feeling.
Viktor E. Frankl
stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose
our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
reason I am starting with these 2 quotes is that the essence of these 2 quotes
have been the beacon for me in many circumstances in life, ever since I had
first read them. I don’t claim that I have always used the guidance in the right
way and always followed the path that these beacons had lighted for me, on the
contrary, more often I had missed following them. But any time I did follow
these; they have never failed to guide to me a better place. A place that made
me comfortable, made me earn success, appreciation and sometimes to places and
moments that I could carry as pride for future.
But why these become
important today? Why Am I sharing these?
This pushes us to first and most important choice, do we want to follow our human instinct and continue being socially interacting beings or follow what scientist tell us and exercise social distancing? The virus has thrown this “Stimulus” on us, and it is our time to decide our Response. Our response can be seeing mask as a forced issue or as our moral ownership towards ourselves and everyone around us. (
A friend of mine asked, “for how long should we wear the masks?” and I said, “How long do you wear warm clothes?” ; As long as the cold weather lasts, was his answer and I smiled; to your masks question; the corresponding answer is as long as the coronavirus lasts.) Social distancing can be seen as a current necessity or as a forced behavior against our human nature. But remember, the responsibility is not just about the decision we make, it is about the impact that decision will have for us and all of those who are around us.Weather anomalies
, another major situation that we see. Many of us believe that irresponsibility of human race has caused a lot harm to environment, causing ozone depletion, global warming and root cause of most (if not all) weather anomalies, from hurricanes, to extreme temperatures to Wild fires an so on. Stimulus is very clear here; since our actions are causing the harm to climate so are, we ready to do anything about it? Possible Response, “Let us ignore climate change concept” or “Let us own this change as our doing and take steps in our power to minimize our own damaging impact on climate.” Enough individuals following the response to proactively heal the climate can lead to a positive change. And that starts with just One. Are we taking that responsibility to be that One. 1st in our house? 1st in our family? 1st in our community? You be the 1st and others will follow. No matter if you are being the 1st to ignore or the 1st to proactively heal.For those of us who are in the United States of America. There is another situation. The elections are just over, and the emotions are high. Racial differences, political differences, Left-Right divide, and so much more. “Stimulus” the divide at all levels. Possible Responses, “I shall ignore” ; “I shall support my belief system even more strongly”; “I shall open my mind and my arms to the other side and try to bridge the gap”
I will not say more
on the situation, but I feel that The Response chosen by us will decide the nation and the world, we handover to our next generation.
There is my thought on the Response-Ability and how I see it . Let us all chose what we think is right. Remember our choice will define the world of future.
Tuesday, October 6, 2020
ज़माने बीत गए
I recently met a friend after many days and couldn’t even shake hands, Covid-19 precautions. Then we discussed about work and friends and family and what we have stopped doing due to Covid-19. Have listed 2-3 items in a few lines below to reflect some things that we used to do so frequently, not even knowing the value till we can not do them anymore. Let me know what you are missing due to Covid-19
Sunday, September 27, 2020
6th Page from back of my notebook
For those of you who are with me on this journey for last few years, this is not a new feature, I, at times scribble things at the back of my notebook, random thoughts, I like to share as some days the randomness in these may make sense. Below I am posting links to the 5 pages that came before this “6th page from back of my Notebook”
ü You can grab the
whole world in your fist, if your mind is large and open enough
ü From a
binary standpoint Zero and One are two extremes and the whole world fits in
ü Failures mostly stare
rudely in your eyes when failing is not an option.
ü Ability
to ignore the rude stare and focus on the path to turn around the results is
where success is hidden at
ü Love and laughter can
heal almost any wound
ü Prayers
have a profound healing effect. They heal the one who the prayer is for and
they heal the one who prays
ü Praying for the
wellbeing of someone who may have attempted to harm you, can start healing the
ü Age is
just a number, but Aging is a state of mind
ü Speed of time, gets
altered by one's emotional state
ü School,
Pride or even Murder; all mean the same; we just decided these names to define 'oneness' based on our misplaced biases about species
ü Bias starts and
justice ends at exact same place
ü Identification
and acknowledgement of the differences is where the seed of discord is
ü Identifying
with one's own Race is important, mine is "Human Race." What is
ü Passion and compassion when working together can only lead to
delivering good to a cause, to people and to the world around oneself
should try to Be Passionately compassionate and compassionately passionate when
the time to serve a cause comes
Monday, September 14, 2020
सुख चैन
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Emotions trip - Stop 3 (Desperation)
The stories that we have loved the most, usually had a protagonist (that most of us can relate to) and an antagonist (that most can loathe). However, what makes those stories interesting is that the protagonist is thrown into nasty situations by the antagonist and many other factors, but in the end the protagonist emerges victorious no matter what the odds.
Any fiction writer
will tell you that it is not easy to write about relatable situations and then
devise near practical reasons leading to a positive outcome. Some time when an
author fails to make the situation less relatable or the redemption less
sincere, those stories fail to impress and are not remembered.
The reason for this
analogy, we are all in a near desperate situation in the story of our lives and
the antagonist is the virus. It has locked us in our houses. It has made us
afraid to meet our friends or go on vacations. It has kept us away from eating
at our favorite food joints. It has forced us to not see our coworkers for
months, same coworkers that we used to meet every day. One wants to change the
situation and then feels helpless. Leading us to a helpless situation and
despair. And this is where my above analogy is relevant.
Desperation is never a good place to lead a worthy story to. We all are authors of our own story. We owe it to ourselves and the others around us that our story is worth telling. When I look at this time from future, I don’t want to be telling that I lost to desperation. My story needs to speak of the situation leading to hopeless helplessness and despair. But also lead the protagonist to overcome and win. I am no immunologist or virologist so I don’t know how the bigger things will play in months to come. But I know I am going to be ready when the day this virus is defeated, and it is time to celebrate.
Ready to celebrate
the return to our normal way of life. Celebrate the lessons that these days of
isolation will leave us with. Celebrate life that teaches not to take anything
for granted and be grateful for everything. Celebrate the roof on my head and
family by my side despite the spread of virus outside. My story is going to be
of triumph and not of desperation. The story will certainly have moments of
despair and annoying helplessness, but that will not be the final chapter of
this saga.
As Tolkien’s famous
line in The Lord of the Rings, trilogy, the two that I love the most. (Watch
them in the movies for the impact). One in the fellowship of the ring by
Gandalf “All we can decide is what to do with time
that come upon us” and 2nd from The Two towers, by Sam “Stories that are worth…because folks in those stories
kept going..”
Especially the 2nd
one, as that talks about what keeps one going during desperate times is what
one is holding on to, and hope for a better, brighter tomorrow is worth holding
on to.
So; when you start feeling desperate just remember, stay strong and hold on to the hope for tomorrow. The experts are keeping the fight on to defeat this antagonist and you the protagonist of your own story must keep your hope up and stay safe and healthy till the other side of this journey is reached. However monotonous, boring, annoying, or frustrating the days appear. However helpless or hopeless the situation looks, desperation is the darkness that just need a sliver of 'deliberate hope' to brighten the mind and defeat the dark.
Sunday, June 28, 2020
पुरानी गली
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
A Milestone

Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Emotions trip - Stop 2 (FEAR)

Wednesday, May 6, 2020
कुछ चीज़ें बेशक़ीमती होती हैं - आज़ादी
अब डर भुला पहले सा करना चाहो
जैसे बे-डर जीने की आज़ादी
Friday, May 1, 2020
Emotions trip - Stop 1 (ANGER)
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Farmer's wisdom - Re-post

- Now on the soil of your mind
- Sow the seeds of positivity
- Nurture the sapling continuously feeding good thoughts and examples for it to grow and become a reservoir of good positive thoughts.
- Make sure that any negative thoughts are plucked as soon as they start spreading their nasty roots on the fertile soil.
- Remember those will not only damage the goodness of the positive thoughts but also weaken the soil of your mind.
- Do that meticulously and continually to ensure that you reap crop after crop of good thoughts and May God be with you always on your endeavor to cultivate Positive thoughts.
Posted as https://nuancesofbeing.blogspot.com/2013/11/farmers-wisdom-1st-nugget.html on Nov 18, 2013