Defining Being

As you may know me.... I try to pen my feelings, with more honesty than with language and grammar. While reading the posts below you may experience what compelled me to write these.
While I was thinking of giving a name to my Blog; this came to me; "Nuances of Being"
Being "Me" is the best that I am at and hope that will show in the posts below

And Thanks for reading


Wednesday, December 16, 2020

यह बाग़ है !

A Poem addressed to my younger self, I wish I had this thought when I was in my late teens or early twenties. I hope for those in that age now this may help to channel some thoughts.... And for those who are same age as I am or older, this may help reflect back on some times. Let me know through your comments if I am able to make any sense with this. 

यह बाग़ है !

वोह फूल है 
नाज़ुक, नज़ाकत से भरा 
है रंग और खुशबू 
जिस से बाग़ सारा झूमता 
हवा में लहरा रहा, हो जैसे 
कोई रानी महल में 

वोह काँटा है 
सख्त, ताक़त से भरा 
है तलवार सी धार लिए 
जिस धार से हर छूने वाला डर रहा 
सिपाही सा तैनात 
रानी की हिफाज़त मैं  खड़ा 

मैं बीज हूँ 
न रंग है, न ताक़त ही 
मैल से सना हुआ 
मिट्टी पे हूँ पड़ा 
जैसे कोई रोज़ मज़दूर 
अपने पसीने में नहा 
खुद में ही तृस्कृत हो रहा 

मैं पेड़ हूँ 
हैं फूल भी और कांटे भी 
मेरी ही शरण में पल रहे 
पँछी मुझ पे ही अपने 
घोंसले बना कर रह रहे 
थके को छाँव देता हूँ मैं 
भूखे को फल भी मैं ही दे रहा 
मुझे जानते जो वह समझते 
सब को जीवन भी मैं दे रहा 
मैं पेड़ हूँ जिस के जतन से 
बाग़ सारा जी रहा 

मैं बीज था 
जो तृस्कृत हो, मिट्टी में समां गया 
घुटन थी मुझे दबा रही, मैं घुटन को खा गया 
तम , तपिश, शिशिर मिले 
पर मैं सब कुछ सह  गया 
पर दर्द से फिर भी टूटने लगा वहां 
टूट के बिखरा नहीं, मैं वहीँ  डटा रहा 
फिर टूटे बीज से ही
जीवन नया अंकुरित हुआ 

मैं वही बीज था जो 
दब के भी हारा नहीं (और आज )
मैं पेड़ हूँ जिसकी वजह से 
बाग़ सारा जी रहा 

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Responsibility; One Way Forward


Stephen Covey

Look at the word responsibility— “response-ability”—the ability to choose your response. Highly proactive people recognize that responsibility. They do not blame circumstances, conditions, or conditioning for their behavior. Their behavior is a product of their own conscious choice, based on values, rather than a product of their conditions, based on feeling.

Viktor E. Frankl

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

The reason I am starting with these 2 quotes is that the essence of these 2 quotes have been the beacon for me in many circumstances in life, ever since I had first read them. I don’t claim that I have always used the guidance in the right way and always followed the path that these beacons had lighted for me, on the contrary, more often I had missed following them. But any time I did follow these; they have never failed to guide to me a better place. A place that made me comfortable, made me earn success, appreciation and sometimes to places and moments that I could carry as pride for future.

But why these become important today? Why Am I sharing these?

We all are going through many things that we have not faced in the past. Not only us, but people also around us; most nations; almost whole humanity is facing these things as a first time ever. And so, there is no play book.  Coronavirus has pushed us to live against our very nature. Remember, “Man is a social animal” so Social distancing is not a concept that comes easy to us humans.

This pushes us to first and most important choice, do we want to follow our human instinct and continue being socially interacting beings or follow what scientist tell us and exercise social distancing? The virus has thrown this “Stimulus” on us, and it is our time to decide our Response. Our response can be seeing mask as a forced issue or as our moral ownership towards ourselves and everyone around us. (

A friend of mine asked, “for how long should we wear the masks?” and I said, “How long do you wear warm clothes?” ; As long as the cold weather lasts, was his answer and I smiled; to your masks question; the corresponding answer is as long as the coronavirus lasts.)  Social distancing can be seen as a current necessity or as a forced behavior against our human nature. But remember, the responsibility is not just about the decision we make, it is about the impact that decision will have for us and all of those who are around us.

Weather anomalies

, another major situation that we see. Many of us believe that irresponsibility of human race has caused a lot harm to environment, causing ozone depletion, global warming and root cause of most (if not all) weather anomalies, from hurricanes, to extreme temperatures to Wild fires an so on. Stimulus is very clear here; since our actions are causing the harm to climate so are, we ready to do anything about it? Possible Response, “Let us ignore climate change concept” or “Let us own this change as our doing and take steps in our power to minimize our own damaging impact on climate.” Enough individuals following the response to proactively heal the climate can lead to a positive change. And that starts with just One. Are we taking that responsibility to be that One. 1st in our house? 1st in our family? 1st in our community? You be the 1st and others will follow. No matter if you are being the 1st to ignore or the 1st to proactively heal.

For those of us who are in the United States of America. There is another situation. The elections are just over, and the emotions are high. Racial differences, political differences, Left-Right divide, and so much more. “Stimulus” the divide at all levels. Possible Responses, “I shall ignore” ; “I shall support my belief system even more strongly”; “I shall open my mind and my arms to the other side and try to bridge the gap”

I will not say more on the situation, but I feel that The Response chosen by us will decide the nation and the world, we handover to our next generation.

There is my thought on the Response-Ability and how I see it . Let us all chose what we think is right. Remember our choice will define the world of future.

 Closing with another quote that I have heard many times, not sure of the source; “ It is Good to be Right; but it is Right to be Good”

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

ज़माने बीत गए

 I recently met a friend after many days and couldn’t even shake hands, Covid-19 precautions. Then we discussed about work and friends and family and what we have stopped doing due to Covid-19. Have listed 2-3 items in a few lines below to reflect some things that we used to do so frequently, not even knowing the value till we can not do them anymore. Let me know what you are missing due to Covid-19

यारों संग बैठे, बतियाये 
उसको ज़माने बीत गए 

हंस के पीठ पे धौल जमाये 
उसको ज़माने बीत गए 

एक थाली से  बाँट के खाये 
उसको ज़माने बीत गए 

बीमारी है या बद्दुआ?

जब आख़िर थे हाथ मिलाये 
उसको ज़माने बीत गए 

Sunday, September 27, 2020

6th Page from back of my notebook


For those of you who are with me on this journey for last few years, this is not a new feature, I, at times scribble things at the back of my notebook, random thoughts, I like to share as some days the randomness in these may make sense. Below I am posting links to the 5 pages that came before this “6th page from back of my Notebook”


ü  You can grab the whole world in your fist, if your mind is large and open enough

ü  From a binary standpoint Zero and One are two extremes and the whole world fits in between

ü  Failures mostly stare rudely in your eyes when failing is not an option.

ü  Ability to ignore the rude stare and focus on the path to turn around the results is where success is hidden at

ü  Love and laughter can heal almost any wound

ü  Prayers have a profound healing effect. They heal the one who the prayer is for and they heal the one who prays

ü  Praying for the wellbeing of someone who may have attempted to harm you, can start healing the world  

ü  Age is just a number, but Aging is a state of mind

ü  Speed of time, gets altered by one's emotional state

ü  School, Pride or even Murder; all mean the same; we just decided these names to define 'oneness' based on our misplaced biases about species

ü  Bias starts and justice ends at exact same place

ü  Identification and acknowledgement of the differences is where the seed of discord is sown

ü  Identifying with one's own Race is important, mine is "Human Race." What is yours?

ü  Passion and compassion when working together can only lead to delivering good to a cause, to people and to the world around oneself

ü  One should try to Be Passionately compassionate and compassionately passionate when the time to serve a cause comes

Monday, September 14, 2020

सुख चैन 

सुख बटोरते रहे थे कब से? याद नहीं 
पर अचानक ध्यान गया 
तो चैन कहीं गुम गया है 
किसी कोने में, जब सुख उठाने को 
दिन -रात से एक कर रहे थे 
नींद भूख भूली हुई थी 
अगले सुख का क़र्ज़ अदा कर रहे थे 
तब ही शायद मन से निकल के 
चैन कही चला गया 

सुख और चैन पकड़ के हाथ 
चलते रहे कई कदम साथ 
फिर सुख शायद कुछ डरने लगा 
"कल' को हासिल करने लगा 
चैन से आगे बढ़ने लगा 
और चैन का हाथ छूट गया 
शायद गुम गया, शायद रूठ गया 
चैन से जाने कब नाता टूट गया 

अब सुख के बिछौने पर लेटे तो 
नींद ज़िद्दी पलंग के दूसरी ओर रहती है 
नींद चैन की संगिनी 
सुर्ख़ रुआंसी आँखों से कहती है 
चैन ही जब नहीं तो 
सुख भला किस काम का?

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Emotions trip - Stop 3 (Desperation)

The stories that we have loved the most, usually had a protagonist (that most of us can relate to) and an antagonist (that most can loathe). However, what makes those stories interesting is that the protagonist is thrown into nasty situations by the antagonist and many other factors, but in the end the protagonist emerges victorious no matter what the odds.

Any fiction writer will tell you that it is not easy to write about relatable situations and then devise near practical reasons leading to a positive outcome. Some time when an author fails to make the situation less relatable or the redemption less sincere, those stories fail to impress and are not remembered.

The reason for this analogy, we are all in a near desperate situation in the story of our lives and the antagonist is the virus. It has locked us in our houses. It has made us afraid to meet our friends or go on vacations. It has kept us away from eating at our favorite food joints. It has forced us to not see our coworkers for months, same coworkers that we used to meet every day. One wants to change the situation and then feels helpless. Leading us to a helpless situation and despair. And this is where my above analogy is relevant.

Desperation is never a good place to lead a worthy story to. We all are authors of our own story. We owe it to ourselves and the others around us that our story is worth telling. When I look at this time from future, I don’t want to be telling that I lost to desperation. My story needs to speak of the situation leading to hopeless helplessness and despair. But also lead the protagonist to overcome and win. I am no immunologist or virologist so I don’t know how the bigger things will play in months to come. But I know I am going to be ready when the day this virus is defeated, and it is time to celebrate.

Ready to celebrate the return to our normal way of life. Celebrate the lessons that these days of isolation will leave us with. Celebrate life that teaches not to take anything for granted and be grateful for everything. Celebrate the roof on my head and family by my side despite the spread of virus outside. My story is going to be of triumph and not of desperation. The story will certainly have moments of despair and annoying helplessness, but that will not be the final chapter of this saga.

As Tolkien’s famous line in The Lord of the Rings, trilogy, the two that I love the most. (Watch them in the movies for the impact). One in the fellowship of the ring by Gandalf “All we can decide is what to do with time that come upon us” and 2nd from The Two towers, by Sam “Stories that are worth…because folks in those stories kept going..

Especially the 2nd one, as that talks about what keeps one going during desperate times is what one is holding on to, and hope for a better, brighter tomorrow is worth holding on to.

So; when you start feeling desperate just remember, stay strong and hold on to the hope for tomorrow. The experts are keeping the fight on to defeat this antagonist and you the protagonist of your own story must keep your hope up and stay safe and healthy till the other side of this journey is reached. However monotonous, boring, annoying, or frustrating the days appear. However helpless or hopeless the situation looks, desperation is the darkness that just need a sliver of 'deliberate hope' to brighten the mind and defeat the dark.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

पुरानी गली

कुछ साल पहले जब मैंने बेशकीमती चीज़ों पे कवितायें लिखी तो एक - दो जगह एक पुरानी गली का ज़िक्र किया | सोचता हूँ एक छोटी सी मुलाकात उस पुरानी गली से करवा दूँ |  मिल के बताएं कैसी लगी पुरानी गली? पर जानता हूँ की अगर आप किसी पुराने शहर से तारुफ़ रखते हैं तो ऐसी किसी गली को ज़रूर जानते होंगे | 

छज्जों से जुड़ कर खड़े हुए छज्जे , जैसे एक दूसरे के कंधे पे हाथ रख के बतियाते दोस्त हों ।
छज्जो के नीचे जुडी मकानों की कतार, मकान जो पुराने हैं ; पर कुछ नुक्कड़ वाली ऑन्टी की तरह मेकअप कर के उम्र से छोटे लगते हैं और कुछ हवेली की अम्मा की तरह बूढ़े और तजुर्बेकार | 

उन मकानों के बीच २-३ हवेलियां हैं; जो ज़्यादातर मकानों से कुछ बड़ी हैं, एक आध मंज़िल ऊँची भी | पर उनका कद उन्हें हवेली का दर्ज़ा नहीं देता | वह दर्ज़ा उन्हें देते हैं उनके नक्काशी वाले बुलंद दरवाज़े वह दरवाज़े जो जाने कितने मौसम देख चुके है पर अपना रुतबा रखने को सीधे खड़े हैं|  आखिरकार वही है जो गली की भीड़ को हवेली की दीवारों की थकावट नहीं देखने देते | 

अंदर झांके तो दीवारे और सीढ़ियां कुछ परेशान कुछ झुंझलाई लगती हैं | आख़िर पचासों साल खड़े रह कर हर आते जाते लम्हे को महसूस करना आसान नहीं होता | ऐसी ही एक हवेली से मेरी बचपन से जान पहचान रही है | उसकी छत्त से पतंगे उड़ा कर आज़ादी का एहसास और उसी के ज़ीने के पीछे वाले कमरो के अँधेरे में से निकल के मन में ठहरता डर; दोनों एहसास ताउम्र मेरे साथ रहने की कसम खा चुके हैं | 

सामने की बड़ी हवेली पता नहीं इस हवेली की जुड़वाँ है , या दोने एक दूसरे का अक्स; पर दोनों एक ही समय से इस गली में कड़ी है | शायद आपस में बहुत बातें करती होंगी, अपने बचपन के दिनों में | पर आज कल चुपचाप एक दूसरे को देखती हैं; शायद एक दूसरे की सलामती की दुआएँ मन में मांगते हुए | इन दोनों ने बीच गली में कई सदियाँ मौसम और इंसान को बदलते देखा है; शायद इस वजह से अब कुछ भी बोलते कतराती है| 

पर आज बात हवेली की नहीं है; आज तो हमें मिलना है पुरानी गली से | 

गली के दूसरे छोर पर, दो हलवाई की दुकानें हैं, बचपन से सुना है दोनों का नाम है छगन लाल हलवाई | पर बहुत बड़ा फरक है दोनों में; एक समोसे, कचोरी, पूरी, पतीसा, हलवा और न जाने क्या क्या बनता है | दूसरा दूध का काम करता है, दूध, दही लस्सी, बर्फी , पेड़ा और सब कुछ जिसका उधगम दूध से हो |  हम में से किसी को नहीं पता की असल में कौन छगनलाल है, या दोनों या कोई नहीं | दरअसल देखे तो हम ने बचपन से छगनलाल भी नहीं सुना था, बस सुना था छग्गू हलवाई; बड़े हुए तो जाना की छग्गू का थोड़ा ज्यादा इज़्ज़तवाला नाम भी है | 

अब यह पहेली की दोनों में से असली छग्गू कौन हैं माने नही रखती; दोनों अपनी अपनी कला में माहिर है | एक के बाहर कतार लगती  है सुबह सुबह दही, लस्सी के लिए तो दूसरे के बहार पूरी, सब्जी और हलवे के लिए | जाने कितने बचपन के रविवार मैंने दोनों कतारों में बिताये है; गर्मी की छुट्टियों में | पूरी वाले तरफ सुबह सुबह की पूरियों   से भरी कढ़ाई; जो बचपन में किसी तरन ताल सी बड़ी लगति थी; बड़े होते होते वह कड़ाई छोटी होती गयी | असल में न सही पर मेरी नज़रो में | उस कड़ाई के दाहिनी और खड़ा वो पूरियों का जादूगर जो एक साथ पचासो पूरिया तल के निकालता था |  दसियों साल बीते; पर वह हर सुबह वही का वही खड़ा मिलता है; कढ़ाई से पूरिया निकाल के, कतार में खड़े मुझ जैसो को इच्छा पूर्ती के वर की तरह हर दिन सैकड़ो पूरिया तल कर देता हुआ |  

उसका शरीर हमेशा पतला का पतला रहा; मानो कभी अपनी ताली हुई पूरियों को छुआ तक न हो , पर बालों के रंग और चेहरे की लकीरें उम्र का हिसाब बता देती रही | फिर भी हाथ का हुनर और काम की फुर्ती कभी भी बदली नहीं | आज  तक नहीं पता उसका नाम क्या है, अब सोचता हूँ तो लगता है वह सच्चा कर्मयोगी  है; उसे कोई फरक नहीं पड़ता की दुनिया में कोई  उसे नाम से जानता है या नहीं; बस उसे अपना कर्म दीखता है; जिसे उसने हर दिन पूरा किया है| 

गली के दूसरी ओर, चौक है, जहाँ हर शाम खोमचे वाले गुलाब जामुन, कुलचे, चाट, गर्मियों में कुल्फी; और न जाने क्या क्या नेमते ले कर खड़े होते थे |  वह से बाईंओर मुड़ो तो बड़े हरी मंदिर का दरवाज़ा नज़र आता है, और कीर्तन भी सुनाई देता है |  बड़े मंदिर में रोज़ सैकड़ो श्रद्धालु आते है और कुछ इस गली से गुज़रते हैं | यह गली, कुछ हद तक छोटी-मोटी  प्रार्थना मंदिर पहुंचने से पहले ही पूरी कर देती है| कम से कम मेरे बचपन ने तो यही मह्सूस किया है | हालाकि आप कह सकते हैं की हलवे का दूना कोई प्रार्थना नहीं होती; पर मै बचपन में ऐसी चीज़े भगवान् से मांग लेता था, और गली उन्हें माँ, पापा से मिल के पूरा भी कर देती थी | 

 इन दो छोरो के बीच कुछ कपडे की दुकाने, एक छोटी बेकरी, २ परचून वाले, एक साइकिल मरम्मत वाला (जिस को मैंने ता उम्र एक भी साइकिल ठीक करते नहीं देखा, फिर भी वोह ठीक है, चला रहा है जीवन ठीक से ), शायद यह गली का वरदान है | लोग जैसे भी हैं;अच्छे से है | 

यह पुरानी गली है | 

मेरी ममेरा भाई, घूर के मुझे देख रहा है, और बोल रहा है; गली नहीं है'; यह बाजार है; गलियां इतनी खुली नहीं होती, वह यही पला बड़ा है | जायज़ है उसे प्यार और फ़ख्र ज्यादा है गली पे | पर मैं हमेशा की तरह हँस के ढिठाई से उसे नज़रअंदाज़ करने का नाटक करते हुए आप सब से पूछता हूँ,  "कैसा लगा दोस्तों, पुरानी गली से मिल के?"

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

A Milestone

I know it is a milestone, but then there will be more milestones and I will not miss those, I promise.

That was me 25 years ago, I was in college and I had my exams so I could not travel back home. Once I am done with college, no more exams so no reason for me to be not there; no power to stop me from being there.

But here we stand, 25 years later, another milestone and this time a power bigger than all of us stopping me from being there. But, like last one, I am there in spirit, right next to you singing, smiling, dancing, and thanking God for this day.

This day 50 years ago when two of you got married.

Ma and Papa.

I am sure a lot changed in these 50 years. The world around you is not the same. From the little house in Amritsar to something is Harsar (where the awesomeness was born 😊) to Amritsar again and then Jammu and Udhampur and Jammu and Chandigarh and then Mohali. I am sure this must have been quite a journey. And I am thankful for you for holding my hand in a lot part of that journey and making me capable of what ever I am today.

50 years, so many places, so many seasons, so many situations the one thing that I have not seen change is your love for each other including the fights you pick with each other frequently😊. Anyone can see the mutual love and care that you embody even during your complaining moments. 

I will not add too many words here as words mean nothing compared to the fact that 50 years of togetherness is an amazing feat. A feat that certainly calls to be celebrated. A feat that is worth learning from and following for all. 

Although for a formal celebration in the worldly way, we will have to wait till the travel restrictions are lifted and planet becomes safe again for people. But for a real celebration that blooms in the heart and make one’s eyes shine; That has already started in my heart.
Celebrating the love, Celebrating the fights, Celebrating the caring, Celebrating the guidance, Celebrating the freedom, celebrating togetherness, Celebrating joy, Celebrating us all as an awesome family and that starts with you.

Happy 50th Anniversary Ma and Papa.

I Missed being there on 25th and now missing to be there on 50th but will be there on the 75th; I promise.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Emotions trip - Stop 2 (FEAR)

2nd stop on the emotions trip, Fear. Just some thoughts weaved together on that . Hope they help

What is there to be afraid of? I have always been baffled by that question. In my opinion the key fear is the fear of unknown. So, when you know what is out there to be afraid of then you can plan to overcome it. And so, Fear is when you do not know what is there.

Unfortunately, the present days have given us an unknown enemy. And, this unknown enemy with the unknown ways it manifests, and hunts has added the 2nd layer of unknown on how to handle it. And being humans, the creatures of logic and emotions at the same time we at mass level have decided to stay away from it till our kind succeeds to find a way to tackle. And that adds the third layer of unknown, the impact on economy. The impact on our very way of living. And also another, when will I be together with my distant family, for those who live away, that leads to a superlative unknown fear; will I ever be able to? And that can be too scary to fathom.

So, the problem statement is very clear but what about the solution. So Let me start with a cliché (one of the most used statement from an Indian blockbuster from the seventies) जो डर गया समझो मर गया (Jo darr Gaya samjho mar gaya) - "The one who surrenders to fear ceases to live."

And We Cannot cease to live so We Must not surrender to the fear. 
So, what can we do? is a big question. And below is my attempt to answer that. 

Change the Vocabulary; I have heard people around me (and sometime myself too) say that we are confined to home. Confinement is forced: but this is voluntary; Let us refrain from use of such vocabulary. Remember we all are staying at home to prepare against the enemy that lurks in unknown ways. And we can do that by increasing our immunity, both physical and mental.

Find areas of self-improvement; be it a habit that you need to break or a habit that you need to develop. Weight that needs chiseling down or pounds that needs to be gained. A chronic discomfort that needs to be overcome. This is the time to do that. And everyone can do that in-spite of the office work that you have. I am sure each one of us used to spend a few hours in commute to office every day, and that time can be invested in improving the self. That can strengthen the Physical self. That can help build physical immunity against the alien bodies like virus. Smoking, gluttony, alcoholism, habitual drugs all those can be overcome when you are committed. Now that you are away from external distractions which you have many times blamed for those habits.

Adopt a spiritual habit; some of my friends are observing fasts (As this is Muslim holy month of Ramadan). That is a good thing as that can help both physical and spiritual side of health . But for others also; praying or meditating a few minutes a day, observing occasional fasting and trying to connect with spiritual self should be easier as there are lesser distractions (no commute, no long grocery lines etc.)

Develop gratitude for what is. In this age of information when everything is available at your fingertips (OR just by thumb gestures on your smart phones) remember that is a blessing. Just think of a pre -cellphone and even pre computer era and think if those were the times, how difficult it could have been to exercise basic safety. Gratitude build strength and weakens fear. I guarantee that it does.

Don’t be afraid of possible Job -loss: If you are afraid of losing your job; DO NOT! Your fear is not going to improve the outcome (it may worsen it). Remember to give your best to what you have on work front for today, and every day. Think of how your work can help your organization and your coworkers. See if you can help someone save another day at work. Every effort will count, as all of us are in this together. Prepare for next day and then next. Remind yourself of your strengths at work and do not let your lack of strengths be a reason for losing a job. Everything else is external and will take care of itself when the situation improves.

All these when done well will be your armor when you step out after the lockdown is lifted. The virus will be out there, but you will be ready to protect yourself from it and in rare case you fail at that; you will have a body strong to fight it and throw it out of your system with no damage. And if we all do it all of us and our families local and remote will stay strong and normalcy will eventually restore.

Overcome the fear by doing what you can and building your strength. By gaining sufficient knowledge and following the scientific community advises. By not being afraid but being careful. And by being hopeful always.

I will end this with another cliched line in hindi (Dar ke aage jeet hai)  डर के आगे जीत है 
 - Beyond fear lies the Victory!! And  (Fighter hamesha jet ta hai ) फाइटर हमेशा जीतता है;  Fighter always wins...

PS: Just realized both the hindi lines I used in this post are connected not just in topic but also by something else, much deeper than words and meanings- So friends if you know what is the connection do post in comments.. Let this be our little game 😊

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

कुछ चीज़ें बेशक़ीमती होती हैं - आज़ादी 

Some of you may remember I shared some Poems in this series a few years ago. Mostly nostalgia. Today I feel like sharing one more, and this time more a pain and remembering some of the things that we had taken for granted. With the Poem below: I want to remind myself and everyone that we do not forget these days when all this is over. And always be grateful for the freedoms that we enjoy and take for granted. This loss of some of those basic freedoms as we are forced to now; should stay a constant reminder and a constant gratitude in our hearts.

कुछ चीज़ें बेशक़ीमती होती हैं - आज़ादी 

कुछ चीज़ें बेशक़ीमती होती हैं 
जैसे बे-डर जीने की आज़ादी 
आज सब डर से घर में दुबके बैठे हैं 
डर के शातिर कारिंदे कहाँ  छुपे, दिखते भी नहीं 
दोस्तों से हम मिलते नहीं, अभी मिल सकते ही नहीं
वक्त चल रहा है पर कदम चलते ही नहीं 

कुछ दिन पहले तक तो महफिलें खिलती थी 
एक दूसरे से मिलते थे हम, 
तब तो खुशियां मिलती थी 
मन हो वहां जाते थे 
मनमाना घुमते थे, मनचाहा खाते थे 

अब डर भुला पहले सा करना चाहो 
तो मन कसूरवार सा लगता है 
कब वापिस पहले सा होगा 
मजबूर मन पूछा  करता है 

कैद से कटते दिन,
आज़ादी का मोल बताते हैं 
कभी बाहर कभी कल को देखते है 
हम और खुद को फिर समझाते है 
सचमुच कुछ चीज़ें बेशक़ीमती होती हैं
जैसे बे-डर जीने की आज़ादी  

  कुछ चीज़ें बेशक़ीमती होती हैं  
जैसे .....................

Friday, May 1, 2020

Emotions trip - Stop 1 (ANGER)

Last few weeks have pushed most of us to live and work in different circumstances than we were all used to in our lives. With change comes a flood of emotions. I have been witnessing some of these emotions in me, my friends, my family and so on. I thought I will write something to just plant some thoughts on handling these. Below is my 1st attempt (a Short story that I wrote, ideally for Children; but we all can, hopefully use some of the lesson). I have a few other emotions that I would pen down stories, Anecdotes or notes about in the days to come, if you like this one. Please comment and share your thoughts. This is stop 1 on the Emotions Trip ....

And this is how the story goes…..
Cloud had always been a wanderer. Kept moving from one place to another. So, he could never have any friends. Also, him staying so much above most of the land did not make it easy to even get introduced to anyone. But one day while he was crossing the “Immaculate Island”, that changed. The “Glowing Mountain” on the island, that had its head always sticking closer to the cloud, smiled and said hello! Cloud had never been addressed directly by anyone, so it Did not know what to say. but soon it learnt, wanderers can pick a thing or two while roaming. That started a friendship between the mountain and the cloud which went on for no one know how long. 

One month when the weather had been unnaturally harsh, cloud returned to the island. The cloud must have been tired and upset over past days with weather harshness and lonely journeys. It looked too grey and gloomy. Mountain knew that when his friend cloud is grey; that means he is storing a lot and can rain very hard. But Mountain also knew that with already cold weather a harsh rain can harm the birds and animals occupying its slopes and caves. So, mountain asked cloud if he can spare the rain to save the birds and animals in the trees were already wary of the cold. Cloud was upset and in no mood to listen. He was already too grey, filled and ready to burst.

Mountain continued pleading with the cloud and that made cloud angrier; but somehow mountain missed seeing that. Then the mountain smiled and teasingly said, “My friend stop being stubborn and let me tell you something that will make you happy.”

But the clouds anger had grown, especially after hearing the word stubborn. He didn’t even acknowledge anything that mountain had said after that word. Cloud just got into a fit of rage and roared. And everyone know clouds roar is nothing but thunder. With the loud thunder a lighting bolt left the cloud and struck the peak of the mountain. Cloud in that moment realized that he had gone too far in his anger. But it was too late. The damage was done. Mountains head which always stayed closer to the cloud was already destroyed with the thunder bolt and rolling towards the feet of the mountain. 

That was the last time Cloud was addressed as " my friend". That one moment of anger had taken cloud’s only friend for all eternity. And cloud will live ages to mourn that and regret his anger.

The local folks on Immaculate island say, the cloud still regrets and always shed tears while crossing the Immaculate island and looking at the severed head of the only friend he had. Those tears fall as drizzle on the island giving life to all, but cloud could never get his friend back. Such is the consequence of anger.

Anger, if not controlled, is the moment of thunder striking the mountain, just one moment can cause ever-lasting damage.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Farmer's wisdom - Re-post

In the present situation, many of my friends have spoken about a feeling of loss and helplessness. We all feel that way to a certain degree these days. However, feeling negative does not help and can never yield good results. I am sharing an old post and hope this helps.

Farmer's wisdom applied on the fertile land of big words just some basic thoughts...hope someone will find it useful and if it can be of use for even one writing and posting will be meaningful...... I intend to share more similar basics that I dearly call the positive thinking nuggets for quick and easy consumption...please comment and share your thoughts...

Thinking Positive is like growing a crop.  You have to sow the seed of positivity in prepared soil of your mind. And as any good farmer will tell you that a seed needs water’s moisture and soils warmth to sprout into a sapling which will grow into a plant. But on that journey you will need to nurture it with care and Patience. Save it from bugs and moths and weeds. Raise it to its maturity then only you will reap the produce. The reward of all that persistence is immense and lasting.
The farmer toils patiently.......
On the other hand Negative thoughts are like the weeds. All the need is open land and they will start their parasitic growth; eating out of the resources that are supplied for the intended crop. They are unwanted, useless and damaging but still they come uninvited. No effort is needed to raise them, but effort is needed to pluck them from the ground that they do not consume the nutrients and make the soil infertile for the intended crops (positive thoughts) to grow. Weeds as any farmer will tell you are very resilient, too stubborn to let go even in the worst weather conditions.

A good farmer will make sure that the two actions are always given equal importance. 
First action is to nurture the crop with toil and patience. 
Second action is to conscientiously remove the weeds. And when these two actions are meticulously done the result is a healthy crop, good yield and a fertile land for more quantities of good crop.

  • Now on the soil of your mind
  • Sow the seeds of positivity
  • Nurture the sapling continuously feeding good thoughts and examples for it to grow and become a reservoir of good positive thoughts. 
  • Make sure that any negative thoughts are plucked as soon as they start spreading their nasty roots on the fertile soil. 
  • Remember those will not only damage the goodness of the positive thoughts but also weaken the soil of your mind. 
  • Do that meticulously and continually to ensure that you reap crop after crop of good thoughts and May God be with you always on your endeavor to cultivate Positive thoughts.

Posted as  on Nov 18, 2013