Defining Being

As you may know me.... I try to pen my feelings, with more honesty than with language and grammar. While reading the posts below you may experience what compelled me to write these.
While I was thinking of giving a name to my Blog; this came to me; "Nuances of Being"
Being "Me" is the best that I am at and hope that will show in the posts below

And Thanks for reading


Sunday, September 27, 2020

6th Page from back of my notebook


For those of you who are with me on this journey for last few years, this is not a new feature, I, at times scribble things at the back of my notebook, random thoughts, I like to share as some days the randomness in these may make sense. Below I am posting links to the 5 pages that came before this “6th page from back of my Notebook”


ü  You can grab the whole world in your fist, if your mind is large and open enough

ü  From a binary standpoint Zero and One are two extremes and the whole world fits in between

ü  Failures mostly stare rudely in your eyes when failing is not an option.

ü  Ability to ignore the rude stare and focus on the path to turn around the results is where success is hidden at

ü  Love and laughter can heal almost any wound

ü  Prayers have a profound healing effect. They heal the one who the prayer is for and they heal the one who prays

ü  Praying for the wellbeing of someone who may have attempted to harm you, can start healing the world  

ü  Age is just a number, but Aging is a state of mind

ü  Speed of time, gets altered by one's emotional state

ü  School, Pride or even Murder; all mean the same; we just decided these names to define 'oneness' based on our misplaced biases about species

ü  Bias starts and justice ends at exact same place

ü  Identification and acknowledgement of the differences is where the seed of discord is sown

ü  Identifying with one's own Race is important, mine is "Human Race." What is yours?

ü  Passion and compassion when working together can only lead to delivering good to a cause, to people and to the world around oneself

ü  One should try to Be Passionately compassionate and compassionately passionate when the time to serve a cause comes


  1. Failures mostly stare rudely in your eyes when failing is not an option. 👌🏻 Apt for competitive relationship, corporation/job or even world.
