Defining Being

As you may know me.... I try to pen my feelings, with more honesty than with language and grammar. While reading the posts below you may experience what compelled me to write these.
While I was thinking of giving a name to my Blog; this came to me; "Nuances of Being"
Being "Me" is the best that I am at and hope that will show in the posts below

And Thanks for reading


Tuesday, December 28, 2021

A Brief Dialogue


What do you mean you are leaving? You just came, isn’t it? I stated with surprise.

No, but I have been here, for quite some time, almost as much time as I had promised to stay. That was the response, but I was still in disbelief.

Are you sure, you taught me all that you were supposed to? Are you sure you gave all what you came to deliver? My disbelief continued.

Of course, yes; was the confident and reassuring response. But if you learnt

any thing from what I tried to teach is all up to you. So, let me ask did you learn something? Do you feel you are better than where you were when we started this journey?
Now the question was turned on me and I was thinking of an appropriate response. But with a smile and reassurance the statement continued; never mind giving me that answer. I am here for a little bit more, so you answer yourself and then tell me if still something can be taught while I am still here.

That is so kind of you, I responded. I sure will spend some time meditating on what I have learnt over the period that you have been here.

And that was my conversation with the year 2021 this weekend.

I am thinking and will try to enlist how the days were in 2021, what was taught, what was learnt, what was missed and what was accomplished. Will come with that list in a few days hopefully!!!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2021


“Did the fish know that it was wet?” Of course not, as fish has not ever known dry so the concept of wet will not be even possible. For when fish is dry means it is dead. Sometimes we forget this basic fact when dealing with someone whose behavior does not comply with our standards of good. I am not saying accepting or appreciating if the behavior is bad, but while picking one’s reaction, one must know the vantage point other is seeing it from.  Knowing that for the other complying with your view might not even be an option as they might be fish who is always wet (or dead when unwet).

Lately I have been dealing with someone who always manages to annoy, in every single interaction we had. And that was irrespective of the interaction being in person, or phone or email or any other means possible. To conform my belief on that he is doing all this incorrect is the fact that every single person, who deals with him, end up feeling the same way. This person will never fail this belief, not even 1% of the time. So easy to profile, brand, ignore and voice irritation on his behavior. Now, for ease of further conversation let us call him Mr.“P” as in Problem.

Yesterday I was talking with a friend on a totally different topic, and I asked him at some point, “Did the fish know that it was wet?” Due to some unknown reason, Mr. P’s face flashed in my mind for a moment when I said that. That is when it dawned on me; what if this guy doesn’t even know that there is another way? 

What if someone could tell Mr. P that he may even have amphibious traits if he tries to venture out of water? And what if he indeed was a fish and couldn’t do any different?

I just decided that since I don’t have that level buddy-bond with Mr.“P” so I will not be the one imploring him to try and discover amphibious traits. But I will always see his behavior in the light that he may be a fish who can’t be unwet or an amphibian who was never told that it can survive outside water. So will not judge him going forward. Also doesn’t mean that I will not be annoyed at his behavior, but I will stop carrying my frustration for any minute after my conversation with him is over. I sure hope that Mr. “P” – Problem becomes Mr.“P” – Possibility, in some way.

Oh! by the way I might have similar blind spots that I am not aware of (I am sure I do). But I would hope some of you will show me what is in my blind spots so that I can at least attempt to improve. I want to be out of the water I may be in and know that I could stay well when dry.

PS: "Unwet" was not a word till I wrote this. 

"Buddy-Bond" is again something that I don't recollect being used, but I hope both these convey the meaning that I want to use them for

PPS: If you are confused reading the above, never mind; It is a bit odd topic and if you understood what I meant, then thanks, let us discuss and tell me about my blind spots

Friday, November 26, 2021

मन दर्पण

Have you ever noticed that when your mind is troubled with a thought, no matter how small, everything starts looking different? The clarity of thoughts is lost and most you observe is tainted in that troubled light. The poem below is a humble attempt to pen that feeling down. 

हलचल थोड़ी सी भी हो
तो सब धुंधला कर देती है
पानी ठहरा हो तब ही
दर्पण सा साफ दिखाता है

पानी जैसा ही मन है
भर जाये तो बह निकलता है
पानी की ही तरह, जाने 
कहाँ कहाँ से गुज़रता है'

मन भी जिसको छू ले उस को 
थोड़ा सा नम कर देता है 
पानी सा मन, फिर पानी 
आँखों तक भर देता है 

एक छोटी सी बात का कंकर 
मन की सतह जब छू ले तो 
लाखों तरंगे नयी पुरानी, 
भीतर - बाहर लहराती हैं 
और इस हलचल के चलते 
सब कुछ धुंधला कर जाती हैं 

मन साधु का ठहरा पानी 
दर्पण सा बिम्ब बनाता है 
बस मन की लेहरों को 
थोड़ा संयम में रखना सीखें 
(क्यों की) 
हलचल थोड़ी सी भी हो
तो सब धुंधला कर देती है
पानी ठहरा हो तब ही
दर्पण सा साफ दिखाता है

The pictures you see here are taken by me at various lakes with that reflection in still water. 

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Travel and Life

 I am sure everyone travels for work, pleasure, family and other reasons. My typical model is that I will neatly pack my things in the suitcases, take the trip. Will reach my travel destination, unpack. Initially neatly arranging the cloths and other items, that I need to use over the trip, in closets and drawers available.

Then the actual need for travel starts, be it work or leisure. However, I get so engrossed in the activities that I am never able to maintain the proper placement of cloths and other items neatly anymore. The cloths will start cluttering on the side chair and the shoes and socks near the door on the floor,

the toiletries cluttered on the bathroom counter and so on.

Then comes the time to return, and I get in the frenzied mode of collecting, cleaning, folding and placing things back in the suitcases. This is a stressful time. The items don’t fit, will not fold as neatly as they were when the journey had started, there will be kinks and wrinkles that are too stubborn to go and so on. I still don’t leave anything behind just because it is wrinkly or didn’t fit easily in suitcases. I exert effort to make room for everything.

Contemplating life as a journey I feel we follow similar process but may be somewhat less seriously.

When we start conscious life (after the toddler days of living like kings and Queens, thanks to parents) we start developing habits and building relations. Formal ones and informal ones. We keep these habits and relations with utmost care as we start. This is akin to unpacking and neatly arranging at the start of travel. Then we utilize those relations, and habits and at times ignore how we maintain afterwards. They lay scattered in our lives somewhere; at time ignored or being taken for granted. However, unlike the items on travel, the relations are mutual and with people who have own feelings, and mostly being taken for granted makes the wrinkles (of discontent) develop in the relations. Sometimes we take care of those during the journey and try to iron and maintain and make them better, but other times the wrinkles just set in deep (discontent becomes anger and disgruntlements).

Then at some point life journey starts getting to a point where it seems that some irreversible destinations (read other world) are inevitable and then eventually the end of the tour. Many of us foreseeing the turns of no-return start packing the bags again. Reaching out to the scattered and ignored relations. Trying to iron out the wrinkles. Reaching out to soften the fabric that binds and remembering how good the past experience had been. The only problem is that there are some wrinkles where pride had set in, and they will not be smoothened easily or sometimes not smoothened at all. But we should not leave them behind, unattended. Make peace with those and seek forgiveness, even if your pride says otherwise.

For such cloths with wrinkles, will you just leave them scattered ignored on the side chair, and leave them there for good? No, you do pack every single shirt, how badly it is crumpled on that chair. At the end of your journey, you always pack everything even if the creases were not smooth and the suitcase was bulging? For relations do the same; reach out and try to smoothen drop your ego and extend a hand or a hug. But better than that, just do a daily maintenance. Why wait till the journey is about to end? Why not do regular maintenance and give importance to those regularly?

Travel or life, this will work equally well; if you are, on a regular basis, neatly sorting and saving things like they were on the day one, the wrinkles will not develop, the creases will hold, the softness will be deep and not only on the surface. The value will be retained. And at the end of journey; it will be easy, no stress. Which some feel that is the key to a happier place beyond the current travels.




Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Honesty- "best policy" or "personal undoing"

Honesty is the best policy, something that was taught very passionately by my parents and teachers when I was little. This is also a message that dug in its firm roots in my mind from very early age. Even when the meaning of honesty was not as well known.

For one to know what honesty is, one must know the alternative. Children are born so pure that there is no concept of dishonesty hence they don’t really know honesty. They know only one way and that is being true to the emotions. Then we start growing and conditioning and learning on how to pick words that are 'socially- appropriate' or hide emotions or display emotions that are not very true.

Parents, teachers, society still tells you that honesty is the best policy at that stage. That statement confirms a few things. Firstly, Honesty is not the only way; there are other ways than being honest. 2nd, the other ways may be more gratifying. Also, honesty may be a difficult path to follow. Yet it is better to be honest as Honesty is the best policy.

I will leave next few lines blank to give you a pause and meditate on the above paragraph and see if you think any of those statements are incorrect or overreaching.

Now that brings to the general process of growing up. From pre-school to high school and then college followed by professional life, at every stage honesty becomes more difficult trait to uphold in day-to-day activities and conversations. Society and culture teach to be politically correct (A.K.A - don’t be honest in words or emotions if they point to an uncomfortable fact). I can fully agree with that in circumstances where it is exercised to avoid being hurtful to others. However, at times it is observed that political correctness in dealings and conversations is followed even when the end results can be damaging. The one who points to the fallacy of situation stating some uncomfortable facts is usually not the one who is happily invited to the parties of future. So, the honest is punished. Yet Honesty stays the best policy.

In the choice of being politically correct or being correct, what will you choose? I know one answer can not fit all situations. The answer can vary from time to time, situation to situation and personal relations.

Some common thoughts to ponder upon below. I have a few situational questions. Read them and think what you will pick (A) an honest answer or (B) a politically correct/ socially acceptable answer.

And if you picked B mostly, will you still feel that Honesty is the best policy? And if you picked A mostly, are you a social outcast already?

When your wife asks, “am I looking fat?”

When your host asks, “Is the food good?”

When your coworkers/ friends ask, “How are you doing?”

When your child asks, “Am I the smartest/cutest/ best?”

When your child asks, “Do you lie?”

When your doctor asks, “How are you?”

When your manager asks (after a company announcement), “are you excited?”

When your teacher asks, “Was the class/training useful?”

When your friend asks, “Would you support me if I am wrong?”

My list can go on for a few pages or you can create your own lists as well. Can be a great idea for a party game and the answers can shift based on the amount of alcohol consumed.

Any how the final question that I will ask you is that irrespective of your picks to the questions above and how you make your decisions in life, do you see Honesty as the best policy? Or do you feel Honesty can be one’s undoing?

My answer to that question, it is both; it is the best policy as facing the uncomfortable truths is what paves the road for future, and it is the personal undoing as the one stating the uncomfortable truth is outcast.

For those who feel this thought is stretched please refer to lives (and death) of Galileo, Socrates, Aristotle, even Jesus. And also refer to the contribution of their uncomfortable truths to humanity

My conclusion:

Honesty is the best policy (in the long run for greater good)

Honesty can be one’s undoing (in the short run for the chronic honest)




Thursday, September 30, 2021

From Back of My Notebook - 7

 I have not shared anything from back of my Notebook in many months. I didn’t write much back there lately. Just sharing some scribbles from there, observations mostly. I don’t know if anyone may share these observations or not. Hope you like and enjoy these nuggets of idle scribbling!!!

  • Technology gives us choice between a half-eaten apple vs bugs through windows and everything in between; no one really knows what is better
  •  People can be so proud yet so insecure about their choices that many end up defending those choices strongly to any end
  •  A lot of products use this vanity of users as their biggest marketing tool

  • Those who own no responsibility for failures,  they can never have any claim on Success.
  •  Those who never try are the only kind who never fails. Perfection is a myth.
  •  Those who shift the ownership of failures to others are the biggest obstacle to success. Every team in business, sports or community must understand this simple equation.
  •  To point fingers all you need is fingers, free time and no other skills. Which makes it one of the easiest things to do.
  •  Success is sweetest when shared
  •  Failure is friendly when learnt from
  •  Teams are worthwhile when they bind through success and failure equally

  • When people lend you a keen ear, your tongue should assume a higher responsibility

  • Dilemma of many, “Want to leave the stress and become a monk, but still don’t have a Ferrari to sell” 
Note: If you are asking about the last one, then you have not read the book that this refers to

Thursday, September 16, 2021

अलग था

 Some observations on changing times; hope it conveys the spirit in which it was written

अच्छी आदतों का सिखाना अलग था
सफलता का मगर पैमाना अलग था
जिन के भरोसे पर हम खेलते हैं 
उन तर्कों का मगर ज़माना अलग था

तब सच्चे थे अब बेवक़ूफ़ हैँ
तब अच्छे थे अब अनकूल  (uncool) हैँ
ऊँचा बोलने  वाले  ही की जब सुनती हो दुनिया
करने वालो के वक़्त का फ़साना अलग था

काल चक्र की तारों में पँख  फंसा बैठा पंछी 
सोचता है सपनों  में तो आशियाना अलग था
चुग रहा रसहीन दाने कारों(cars) वाले चौक से
छत पे बेपरवाह बिखरा दाना, दाना अलग था

अब समझाओ भी तो  कोई कहाँ सुनता है ?
और पहले तो , बिन बोले भी सुनाना अलग था
इतनी बदल जाएगी शायद पता था, फिर भी
दुनिया से दिल को लगाना अलग था 

अच्छी आदतों का सिखाना अलग था
सफलता का मगर पैमाना अलग था
जिन के भरोसे पर हम खेलते हैं
उन तर्कों का मगर ज़माना अलग था

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Can Not Forget

 There are times that you want to remember and are not able to keep in the memory with correct colors and details. And then there are days that you would want to forget but those adamantly stay stuck in your mind with their stubborn and even ugly details. 

 Today happens to be one such day.  20 Years ago today; I left my hotel room. The plan was to be in The City before 8AM so that we can be at the site roof top latest by 830AM. 

 My coworker was late in picking me up. Which did annoy me a lot. And then he had these annoying jokes playing on the radio while our car was crawling slowly through the jammed highway. This travel time can be less than 40 minutes with no traffic and more than 2 hours with traffic. An early start would have meant quicker arrival. But his 15-minute delay in start would cost us at least an additional 1 hour on the road. 

 We can never reach there on time, I complained. Let us plan to get to lesser crowded roads further south this morning, to the island and get back to city later in the day or tomorrow maybe. He responded.

 We didn't seem to have a choice, so I reluctantly called rest of team and asked them to move to the site visits further south. And everyone agreed. Likely we were not the only ones from the larger team, who were late that morning.


The joke on radio was almost obscene when we stepped on the lower level of the bridge. In a few minutes the bridge shook, as if a tremor has hit. We didn't know what that was. But we learnt; by the time we reached the other end of the bridge thorough a flash news on radio, “A plane has hit the world trade center”

 Confused and clueless we turned the car and get to the shores of the river at the Staten Island, just outside the ferry station, when a 2nd plane hit the 2nd tower.

 This was 20 years ago, and the painfully ugly display is stuck in the Mind with all its details. What followed was chaos that lasted hours maybe days. Two amazing and iconic buildings decimated. Thousands of lives lost. Tens of thousands of families were left with bleeding hearts. The way we had lived changed forever that day. 

I would have been on a site caravan visit at 830Am that morning on the roof top of a departmental store right next to the twin towers, if my coworker was not late to pick me up that day. 


20 years past but that pain on loss of life stays. That Confusion about insanity of human race stays. That shame on the level of ruin of human mind stays. That feeling of being lost stays. All that and more is still so vivid in the mind. 

I can still feel the irritation in eyes from the smoke and smell the burning metal. I can still feel the chaos around that ferry station. I still can see those cars standing outside the ferry station, many of whose owners will never return. I can still see the confusion on the faces of survivors coming from the city in the ferry with the business suits covered in ash and soot and some with blood on their face, ears, nose, hands. I am sure none of them has forgotten that day when thousands of lives were lost, and humanity was defeated.

 Although the day didn't end at destruction. The display of ugliness was followed by the selfless heroism of the fire fighters, police and other first responders and many common men and women. The Humanity was hurt that day, but it didn't die. These heroes kept it alive.

20 years later when those painful  memories surface, I remind myself of the heroes of that day who went on in the harms way to save and to heal.

That delay in start that morning, the change of plan, watching the horrible events of that day, feeling the loss and desperation that followed; all that combined; tells me there must be a reason for me and my coworkers the way that day unfolded. Also that hate has no room anywhere. Hate is un-Godly; irrespective of the faith one follows

That is a day I can never forget

That is a day I will never Forget.

Saturday, August 28, 2021

देश ना हो

Having just celebrated India's Independence day this month, I have been thinking. Patriotism always has a high place in my mind and I have always been proud of my being Patriotic. Now that I am a US citizen and I am still patriotic, it doesn't have to change my love for my birth country. I think most of my ideas are grounded in another feeling, Humanity. 
What if one have to chose between being human or being patriotic? I know this is a tough choice. So I wrote the lines below, which may make it easier. Just a thought and if I offend you with this, then accept my preemptive apology

देश ना हो ना हो सरहद

ना देश प्रेम की बात भी हो
हम एक विश्व हम एक कुटुंभ  
ना दुश्मनी द्वेष की बात भी हो

ना जंग रहे ना फ़ौज रहे
ना झंडे ना ही कोई राष्ट्रगान
ना करना हो  दूजे का तिरस्कार
ना ही अपने पे अभिमान

हम सब मानव, हम एक जात
सब आगे बढ़ें, हम एक साथ
स्पर्धा प्रतिस्पर्धा से ऊपर उठ कर
विश्व कल्याण की ही हो बात

ना दास रहे ना दासता
ना स्वतंत्रता के लिए लड़े
ना ऊँचा ना नीचा कोई
एक साथ एक ओर बड़े

तब सब मिल के मनाये
स्वतंत्रता दिवस निराला
वो दिन जब मानव ने खुद को
सच में स्वतन्त्र कर डाला 

और तब
देश ना हो ना हो सरहद
ना देश प्रेम की बात भी हो
हम एक विश्व हम एक कुटुंभ  
ना दुश्मनी द्वेष की बात भी हो

Monday, July 26, 2021

उल्लुओं के पीछे

 In this day and age, many are becoming just “trend- follower.” And there are too many trends to follow.(social media trends, business trends, sports trends, political view trends and trends on almost all what matters or doesn’t). Even though many find a lot of these trends questionable. Then there are those who won't follow and will be considered "uncool." Many just feel forced by pure peer pressure to follow the trends. A confession, I might have toggled between being UNCOOL and forced follower myself from time to time. The lines below are just thoughts of  trend followers, forced or by choice.

हर शाख पे उल्लू बैठा था

तो हम भी उल्लू हो लिए

बर्बाद गुलिस्ताँ होता देखा पर 
उदास आँखे मींचे सो लिए 

फिर सोचा इन शाखों पे
कितने उल्लू हम जैसे होंगे
जो बाज की फितरत रखते थे
पर उल्लुओं के पीछे हो लिए

सोचो, बाज बाज ही रहते तो 

गुलिस्ताँ अब भी आबाद होता

Note: Didnt click any Owl or Hawk pictures so birds in pics are different.

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Meet the Storyteller


If you and I are in a party, 8 out of 10 chances are you will not notice me even if I am right there, just like the fly on the wall. 1 out 10 chance you will notice me and would want to get rid of me, just like the fly on the wall. And then there is this 1 chance that you would like to know me, and you will end up having a friend to rely upon, and more.


That is me in 3 sentences. I am not unsocial or loner or anything, on the contrary I am always in awe of fellow humans. I just love to listen and observe. I am so interested in all the awesome things people have done and continued to do that I get immersed and live their experiences through their narration. I don't speak as I don't want to burden people with the mundane things that I can offer. I live a lot of my days on my desk, on my work and in my mind. There is a beautiful cosmos in there, decorated with the stories and anecdotes you have blessed me with from your life. Those stories make me know you so well.

 I don't bother that you don't know what my likes or dislikes are, as I am aware I could never share those with you with an interesting narrative for you to remember.


I have experiences and stories. All of them are real. Maybe 80% real from what happened in the world we all share and 20% real from the world that my mind is. But I would never mix them as the two sets should never be mixed. The basic laws including those of physics are applied differently in the two realms so mixing the two can never be fun. Being able to observe the two and be a part of both is a blessing. I try to share those through my writings. Again, keeping the storyteller mode on and not that of a seasoned author.

 The era of my kind is fading. Age of superiority and precision of all things dawned long ago. I did cling on to what I loved. And I will continue telling my stories, as that is what defines me. 

 I believe story is what defines us as humans. Our history, our Mythology, our religion, our scientific advancement; all of it would cease to exist if there were no story tellers. And when I say the Era of my kind is fading, I don't really mean the era of storytelling is fading; storytelling will always be there as long as the human race exists, although it will change ways like it has many times in past centuries. The Spirit of storytelling is immortal and will always stay

 And so, the storyteller will always be there. 

 To end this note I will say that now that you have noticed me, don't forget this; however uninspiring I may seem at the gatherings. Take that one chance out of 10, to know me. Just try and you may hear a story that warms your heart or may even change your life. Good news; there are many of me in all gatherings in all parties, somewhere in the corners immersed in a story while weaving a new one. Just say hello and ask and be ready to listen. 

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

और तुम पूछते हो 

ऐसा तूफाँ कि बस्तियाँ उड़ा दे 
और तुम पूछते हो, 
"दिल में क्या छुपाये बैठे हैं?"

यह बाँध टूटा तो क्या-क्या बहा ले जायेगा 
पलकों के उस ओर,
इक सैलाब दबाये बैठे हैं 

ऐसा नहीं कि मन में तरंग नहीं कोई 
मगर रोज़मर्रा से ही, 
बहुत उकताए बैठे हैं 

फिर भी तुम पूछते हो 
"दिल में क्या छुपाये बैठे हैं?"

Monday, May 24, 2021

Monkey and roasted grams


 What do you mean out of this world taste? He asked. Can not explain, you have to taste it yourself, his friend replied with mischief on his face. Come with me tomorrow and I will show you. I am sure you will thank me for that. His friend stated before going to his night rest.

Next morning both were on their way to the temple on the top of the hill. And outside the temple in small saucers made of dried banyan tree leaf were these small yellow balls, with cracked brown shells. These are roasted grams; the humans roast it with salt and that make it the heavenly treat. His friend whispered in his ear, as both walked gingerly, towards the priced find. Being monkeys, moving with that gait was obviously unreal, but they wanted to pick the heavenly goodness before the humans chase them away. The roasted grams were kept; to be bought by worshippers as an offering to the goddess inside the temple.

They pounced and grabbed 1 cup each and dashed, scattering more than half of the contents hurriedly. He tasted and as his friend has predicted; he was hooked to the taste. And then this became almost an everyday trip to temple, grab and scatter; get chased all the way to the thick woods and then sit on a high branch to enjoy the goodies. A few days later, seemingly the humans gave up and started keeping a few saucers of grams at a little distance from their shops so that the monkeys can grab those without disturbing the shop settings. But little did the monkeys know that with ease comes greed and with greed comes problems.

A few days went past, and the monkeys were getting used to daily treat of roasted grams and were thankful to the humans and the Goddess of the temple.

One day when he was taking his regular trip to temple, as he stepped out of the thick woods, he saw there was a big wooden box sitting on the ground. He moved close to see, to see. Monkeys are inquisitive by nature. When he peeked inside the box from the hole on the top, he knew it was his prayers being heard; his dreams came true. The box was filled with grams, roasted to perfection, so he can get those from here without having to go all the way to the temple, he thought. And this box will last him weeks. He quickly slid his right hand through the hole and grabbed a handful of grams in it. There was another hole right next; he slid his left hand and filled another fistful

As he tried to pull his hands out, he realized that the holes were to small to let a fist full of grams to slide out. He was annoyed, how can these humans be so clumsy. He tried to yank his hand out, but the fist was too big for the hole, he tried his left hand, but the same thing. He was upset and angry and tried to pull harder. But the fists were stuck. For a moment his mind thought that he can open his fist and pull his hand out, but that will mean losing the grams. He rejected the thought as soon as it came to his mind. How could he lose the treasure that was granted to him? He tried and tried to pull his fists out. But will not lose even one roasted gram from his grip. A few hours went past; his hands were hurting, his wrists aching, and he was extremely tired and annoyed. But he was committed to not lose his treasure.

By the time it started getting bit dark, he was too tired to stay alert; but will not lose his grip. How could he, and then a few men came out of nowhere. The shopkeeper from the temple was leading them; he was hoping that he is rescued; but in a flash the dangerous looking man from mid of the bunch, placed a collar around his neck.

What was that? He was confused and upset at what was happening; not realizing that he has lost his freedom; to roam in the woods and was held captive by the monkey charmer. His mom’s caution flashed in his mind, “beware of the tricks of madaari” Now he knew. (Madaari is the hindi word for monkey charmer)

The monkey was enslaved by the Madaari. He lost his freedom and he realized; it was not the madaari who played the trick; it was his own greed that enslaved him. But it was too late and he may not be even able to warn his friends of that. Ashamed and restrained with a collar tied to a large rope he followed the madari to his fate, that his own greed had written.

 Everyday I see people running after hoarding material gains while ignoring the simple beauty of life. Next increment, next bonus, next car, next house, next boat, next plane, next holiday, next diamond next opportunity to brag at the cost of ignoring health, family, friends, peace of mind and life it self. And I feel, we still are not completely evolved from the apes as we carry the same illogical greed. Just think, can you let go the next fist full of your roasted grams and be free?


PS: Ambition and Greed are very different things so let us not confuse the two, above story is about greed and not about ambition


Monday, April 26, 2021

परिचय पत्र


We all have made resumes in the past, sharing one lesser shared resume below

परिचय पत्र 

भागता तो नहीं पर 
थोड़ा तेज़ चलता हूँ 
जल्दबाज़ नहीं हूँ पर 
कुछ जल्दी में रहता हूँ 

कभी मुंहफट लगता हूँ क्योकि
मन की कहता हूँ 
भरोसा कम नहीं है फिर भी 
थोड़ा शंकित रहता हूँ 

दांत नहीं दीखते ऐसे 
आधा मुँह हँसता हूँ 
आँख हमेशा नम लगती है 
लेकिन कम ही रोता हूँ 

अनोखा हूँ थोड़ा शायद 
कुछ को अजीब भी लगता हूँ 

भागता तो नहीं पर 
थोड़ा तेज़ चलता हूँ 
जल्दबाज़ नहीं हूँ पर 
कुछ जल्दी में रहता हूँ 

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Deep Inside

 Having asked a simple question "how are you holding up?" He smiled and narrated  this episode in response

 Few steps more and then all is going to be fine. This is not the first time he felt this way. His parched lips needed water and his blistered feet were resisting to move. The Sun felt so hot as if he could touch its burning surface if he had stretched his arm just a little bit. 

No shade in sight but the water is just a few steps away, he could see the blue shimmering surface of the small lake not too far away. But the lake kept on moving farther away as he tried to step closer to it.

 This is not the lake; you know this is a mirage his mind told him. You cannot be a fool to not know the difference between the mirage and oasis? A small voice angrily asked from the corner of his mind. They all left, turned or stopped and some got far ahead of you. You are all by yourself, he heard the small voice tell him.

He ignored and took another step. And then one more and so on. 

Deep inside he knew there was no Oasis. Deep inside he knew this was a mirage. Deep inside he knew he was not a fool. Deep inside he knew he had come too far to turn back. Deep inside he knew stopping there meant the end of it all. Deep inside he knew it was hopeless. Deep inside he knew he can't give up. Deep inside he knew he would go on till he cannot anymore. Deep inside he had never lost his faith on his feet and Deep inside he had never lost faith in the possibility of a miracle. 

Deep inside he knew he was invincible as long as he was alive.

I may never know that man in the desert or what happened to him in the end. but whenever I think of his story, I always pray that he met the miracle, the hope of which had kept him going. As such lone travelers can always use a prayer.