An old proverb "a thousand mile journey starts with 1 step". One step at a time still is the surest way to cover a thousand miles. Willingness and commitment to each of those steps is a must to eventually arrive at your destination. But even more critical is to take the very first step. Before that 1st step, the commitment to travel a 1000 miles is needed
Nuances of Being
Defining Being
While I was thinking of giving a name to my Blog; this came to me; "Nuances of Being"
Being "Me" is the best that I am at and hope that will show in the posts below
And Thanks for reading
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
One (Intentional) Step
Saturday, February 15, 2025
Touch Sensitive
Lot of people born in the eighties or before will remember very different gadgets from what we commonly use today.
The wired phones, even those with rotary dials. The black
and white televisions making way for their colorful next generation. Knobs to
change the channels.
The knobs and the rotary dials step aside to make way for
the buttons. The buttons slowly moved from the devices to remotes based on
infra red technology. The cassette players, morphing into smaller handheld
walkman. Soon after cassettes left the stage to let the spotlight shine on the
compact disks. At the same time walkman decided to upgrade to CD as well.
But shortly the music and the videos moved to memory cards and then directly to
Every so often a development fast tracking the journey of its predecessor to move from Old to obsolete. A big leap was "touch", the devices started being sensitive to touch and the sensitivity and control from touch has been getting finer every day. Newer devices are way more touch sensitive than what started more than 15 years ago.
Each technological development, by design, improved the
comfort and day to day efficiency of tasks.
However, when you look at the impact on people, there has
been a similar trend, although not noticed or related directly.
During the rotary phone days people were tough, resilient
immune to praise and criticism, were hardworking
and so on. Then came the seventies and eighties, the push button users. Strong,
opinionated, ready to make a difference, eager to exert effort. People in these
times didn’t like their " buttons" to be pushed the wrong way. Took
some intent and effort to push those buttons and they reacted.
The remote users developed more sensitive buttons, quick to
react, indirect criticism started getting noticed in these times.
And finally the touch sensitivity arrived. People in this
time became very sophisticated, very smart, appeared informed, quick to
accomplish great things. Efficient users of resources and multitaskers. At the
same time becoming overly sensitive to touch. A little push or a gentle brush
can result in huge impact. Each one connected to a global web through a zillion
media applications, so the touch need not be physical, it can be remote from
across the continents. Can’t operate without 'touch'. But with heightened
sensitivity the touch needs to be precise.
In my support, I want to mention that till about 10-12 years
ago, I had never heard an elementary schooler state " my feelings are
hurt. " A statement that I've heard even from preschoolers regularly these
days. In older times people were introduced to those deeper feelings much
later in their lives.
Again, it is not about a particular age group, people across
the generations are becoming more 'touch sensitive' every passing day.
While the sensitivity is increasing, sensibility seems to be on a decline. A very disturbing trend. Two trends in two wrong directions. With that heightened sensitivity and diminished sensibility, add the remote access to those over sensitive feelings through the social media apps. The apps that serve information and mis-information blended with a finesse. The AI generated media, the deepfakes and so on. The touch sensitivity has created a large size of very volatile and remote controllable population.
Not a criticism, just an observation.
But also a hope that some old fashioned sensibility develops
in place of excessive sensitivity to start the healing process which might be really
Thursday, January 16, 2025
I A S for Success
Initially I started writing this as a quick note as a new year suggestion for the School and College students and People who are new to work-force. While writing, I realized that many of us can use this. Intentionally kept it generic and simplistic.
IAS is what one needs to succeed.
(No, not the IAS as in Indian bureaucrats, read below for
what I mean by IAS)
Intent - This is a measure of attitude towards the task being performed and the field that it is performed in.
Ability - This is a measure of the skill set that one possesses to perform the task. Ability needs to be developed through right effort. If one has the Intent, then one can work on developing the Ability.
Situational awareness - This is a measure of responsibility one displays while performing a task. Alertness to understand the situation and fine tune the performance accordingly. This is what a pilot with right Intent and right ability will use to correct the course and keep the flight safe and comfortable.
Adherence to these three is a sure way to Success. When you have the right intent and attitude. Followed by right preparation to attain needed skill and excellence. Continuing to keenly adjust your course of action based on situational nuances. The result is a certain Success.
Success - This is measured by a scorecard, satisfactory completion of a task, personal growth, contentment, joy, respect earned, trust invested and victory.
PS: I encourage you to apply this IAS in any field and witness
that it leads you to Success. Share your experience when you apply
Wednesday, January 1, 2025
Welcome 2025
For many years, I have been writing this to recap the year that left and to welcome the year that is starting. Thanks friends and family who read this and send me notes, comments, good wishes, blessings and a lot more. I am always grateful for that. This year's post is very personal.
2024 for me and my family was a year like no other. We did so many things that in any circumstance will be listed as huge ups in life. My wife started a new Job, my older son got into the college of his choice, we bought a new house so all that can be listed as a big bold check mark in the list of life. But before any of these, one person decided to not read any of my blogs. Not just any reader, the most important one, the one who has been my critic and my mentor in every step of my life, My Mom. She decided to leave us all in February of 2024. While the year gave many material things, it took a large chunk of the heart and soul away.
It is painful to lose a part of you, however in this case I didn't lose a part, I lost the 'Whole' that I have been comfortably a part of all my life. She used to say that I will always be a child in her eyes. I always felt strange, how can she even think that, for a 50-year-old man. But since the day I lost her, I frequently feel lost like a child.
I strongly believe that, after she ascended to heaven, she
negotiated with the almighty to grant us all so many things that we had wanted
for quite some time. Like a new job for my wife, a new home for us all, a
transfer to a better place for my brother, admission to the college of choice
for 2 of her grandchildren; the list goes on. We all want to enjoy
those blessings with her, but she is not here anymore. Knowing her, she will be
celebrating each of these gifts from where she is. She celebrated everyone's
success (irrespective of her relation with that person) from the core of
her caring heart.
This sums up what 2024 has been for me. All the political and social and economic events in the world just weaved through as the back ground acts in a stage play, while personal flow of life stayed center stage in 2024. The elections in my birth country India and my current nation USA in 2024 have been very significant for the world to come in future. Staying hopeful of a great tomorrow is important, which ever side of the political aisle you see yourself on.
Anyhow this is a post is about welcoming 2025, and as promised
on Jan 1 2024, let us review the list we made at the start of 2024 and recommit
for 2025
Humanity - I still repeat my OSOR (One Species
One Race) slogan as we need that more and more. Let us attempt to break away
the race, region and gender identities. Be PROUD OF OSOR each day of the
Family – A key reason for being, a key motivation for
doing what all one does. Health is very precious, I wrote this last year, and repeat again
for everyone, you may not even know what you are WORTH TO SOMEONE; stay healthy for your family each day of the year
Kids - To my son and my niece in college, now that
you are enjoying independence; I encourage you to SPREAD THE WINGS even
wider while also suggesting to STRENGTHEN THE ROOTS that have made who you are. For my younger boy; you can shine brighter than most, keep faith
and focus. All kids SHINE BRIGHT each day of the year.
Friends - Can not be more grateful for each one of
you. Last year I requested you to "BE THERE" and you were there when
I needed it. I will not take it for granted as blessings should never be taken
for granted. I hope to stay worthy of having each one of you in my life. I PROMISE
TO BE THERE for you each day of the year
Self – On 1st January 2024 I wrote HOLD
ON (no matter what the challenge, the stakes or the state of mind).
Didn't know that I would be tested on that promise, I did not break it.
What remains is still too worthy to give up. Revising the promise to HOLD ON
(No matter what the challenge, the stakes or the state of mind) each day of the
Celebration - Celebrating everyone’s
achievements can be so liberating and fulfilling. CELEBRATE
each day of the year
God - You only know what you do. I am not complaining
about what was lost in 2024; and I repeat my request to GUIDE AND HEAL,
listen to our prayers or don't but give us all what is best for us each day of
the year
Saturday, December 7, 2024
Wish-Prayer-Gennie and God
Note - "God" in the title and the subsequent post does not refer to any particular religion or name you may address almighty as. I have used God and Almighty in the writing below, which can be read as, God, Bhagwan, Eshwar, Buddha, Allah, Waheguru, and any other name or form you refer the Almighty with. So preemptive apology if I, unknowingly offended anyone.
Your wish is my command followed by a smokey poof and then your wishes are fulfilled. This is a typical scene from a story that we have read in books and scene in movies like Aladdin. The one fulfilling your wishes is your friendly neighborhood Genie
The story of Aladdin and the lamp has been shared and enjoyed by many generations. The Gennie is a central piece and a symbol of positive results in one's hand.
Lately I saw in many public forums people referring to
Almighty working on answering everybody's prayers. That stirred a thought, are
we, intentionally or unintentionally, confusing the Almighty with the
God does not Grant all the wishes. God is the father, the
mother, the parent, the Creator and the preserver, and when needed the
Destroyer. It can be very wrong to see God as a wish granting genie that you
can rub out of a lamp. However keeping a notion that, God is delivering on
everything you ask for is nothing different than confusing God with
Remember that Genie has no moral compass. Genies deeds are
just a reflection of it's Master's conscience. “your wish is my command!”
(right or wrong is on you master; Gennie whispers that under the breath, may be
as no one ever heard about that.
Almighty makes the world go round. I, by no mean, am challenging
the power of praying. Prayers can get you to a much better place, but not
always exactly what you're looking for. When God listens to your prayers, (which
is 100% of the times you pray), God knows what is right to grant and what is
not. Your wish is never God's command. Rather God’s will is your Gift. The
beauty is in accepting what God gives you irrespective of how different it is
from what you have prayed for. In many religions and spiritual discussions this
is termed as the concept of surrender. Surrender is expected to bring peace and
fullness to the being. Hinduism strongly supports the theory of karma. Simplistically stated, is all what you receive is a direct result of
your actions. Praying indeed is a positive action, and certainly earns you some
good karma, but still your prayers are not always granted as is. Because what
you ask for in your prayers might not be aligned with your karmic path. Or your
prayers might not be aligned with the overall balance of the world around you. Almighty
the preserver has A keen interest in keeping the world balanced for your
own good. (A kid demanding infinite stash of candy from parents does not
always gets that, doesn’t make the parent any lesser, but ensures parents know
more than to just fulfil the wish, unlike Gennie.)
It sure should bring peace to the hearts knowing that
God is not your genie. Once we have prayed, we should be grateful for what we receive or don't as that is our gift. This is how we prepare ourselves to receive more. Certainly, receive more
Peace, joy and fulfillment.
Some Quotes from different religions on how the wishes are granted based on deeds/ actions/ Karma
Ma faleshu-kadachana |
You have right to perform your karma but never the right on its results (the results are granted by the Almighty, as a gift and not as a right) |
Tera Bhana
Meetha lage |
What ever you
give (oh God) is sweet (Good) for me |
Kiffarah |
What you give,
you will get back |
14:14-26: |
people will get what they deserve. Good people will be rewarded for their
deeds" |
Santa Clause explains theory of Karma simplistically by creating a Naughty or Nice list. Although Santa gives so many gifts each Christmas, but Santa is no Gennie so one gets the right gift only when one has been on the 'Nice' list!!There is always time to be 'Nice' if you have been 'Naughty.'
Many religions teach, that the Karma stays with you even in afterlife; So don’t be fooled if you get the Lamp, which when rubbed created the Smoke and an imposing figure came out of smoke saying, “Your Wish is my Command !”, wish wisely. Don't rub random lamps anymore, instead light the candle of Hope in your heart, pray, and know that you will be granted what you deserve. Know that what ever you get is still a gift that you should cherish and rejoice in. Above all know that God is on your side. And you're way better off than having the Genie in the lamp.Wednesday, November 6, 2024
What the "H"
Some days the mind wanders and explores a new world within its own realm. Lately while writing something, my wanderer mind just got fixated on the letter H. Below are some ramblings of the wandering mind
The letter H in
the alphabet is very interesting.
Look at its structure, there are 2 parallel
vertical lines. Parallel, so by definition, they can never meet, impossible for
them to be together. Then right in the middle is a small line intersecting
both, perpendicular to both and building the bridge to connect the two parallel
lines. Making the impossible possible. Making parallel lines meet through that
No wonder, many
words that start with this letter, a letter that makes impossible possible and those words make life worthwhile. Listed are some words that I see as critical to me either
the ones I live by or the ones I strive for
Humilty / Humble
Hero / Heroic
Read these words and
think with me, for many of these to achieve in life, one needs to put effort. Effort, similar to the bridge to
connect the two parallel lines.
PS: Please don't judge, as I told you already, these are the ramblings of a wandering mind. If you could find logic in what I said above, then "Happy wandering to you too" 😊
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Right in the middle
Right has a directional meaning as in Right and Left
Right also
has a decisional meaning as in Right or Wrong
Right also is
referred to in moral or liberal sense as the Political Right or Left.
The three
different areas this one word helps define have nothing in common, except the
word right itself. The other thing that is common is that in all three of these
the word right describes an extreme end of the spectrum.
right defines the extreme side of correctness
right defines one far end of the direction
right whose meaning is mostly confused between the above 2 connotations of the
By no means I am saying the opposite of Right is any better.
Wrong is extreme side of being incorrect
Left is the other end
Politically Left is an extreme end too.
The more I think about it, more I feel that somewhere in the middle there is a logical and happy state. Directionally, logically or politically. The Right-wing extremism has made the world a ticking bomb. Extreme left on the other hand has potential to uproot the belief systems and the very fabric of social existence of humanity and leaving the current and coming generations in a confused state.
Somewhere in
the middle is the happy place where true humanity lives.
The wars, the
politics, insanity and insensitivity all breed in the extreme right or left.
While life
thrives somewhere in the middle.
So I prefer to stay somewhere in the middle.
Like in the
comforting lukewarm shower, not too hot not too cold
Like a warm
butter toast neither too soft not too crispy, nor deprived of butter nether
drenched in the same.
Right and Left can both feel uncomfortable.
Pull from Right and Left, get to that happy point in the middle where the life exists and there the humanity should be celebrating.
I stay here, Right in the middle.
From my
vantage point, middle is Right (as in correct)