Defining Being

As you may know me.... I try to pen my feelings, with more honesty than with language and grammar. While reading the posts below you may experience what compelled me to write these.
While I was thinking of giving a name to my Blog; this came to me; "Nuances of Being"
Being "Me" is the best that I am at and hope that will show in the posts below

And Thanks for reading


Thursday, January 16, 2025

I A S for Success

Initially I started writing this as a quick note as a new year suggestion for the School and College students and People who are new to work-force. While writing, I realized that many of us can use this. Intentionally kept it generic and simplistic.


IAS is what one needs to succeed. 

(No, not the IAS as in Indian bureaucrats, read below for what I mean by IAS)

 Intent   - This is a measure of attitude towards the task  being performed and the field that it is performed in.

Ability - This is a measure of the skill set that one possesses to perform the task. Ability needs to be developed through right effort. If one has the Intent, then one can work on developing the Ability. 

Situational awareness - This is a measure of responsibility one displays while performing a task. Alertness to understand the situation and fine tune the performance accordingly. This is what a pilot with right Intent and right ability will use to correct the course and keep the flight safe and comfortable. 

Adherence to these three is a sure way to Success. When you have the right intent and attitude.  Followed by right preparation to attain needed skill and excellence.  Continuing to keenly adjust your course of action based on situational nuances. The result is a certain Success.

Success - This is measured by a scorecard, satisfactory completion of a task, personal growth, contentment, joy, respect earned, trust invested and victory.


PS: I encourage you to apply this IAS in any field and witness that it leads you to Success. Share your experience when you apply this.