Defining Being

As you may know me.... I try to pen my feelings, with more honesty than with language and grammar. While reading the posts below you may experience what compelled me to write these.
While I was thinking of giving a name to my Blog; this came to me; "Nuances of Being"
Being "Me" is the best that I am at and hope that will show in the posts below

And Thanks for reading


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

...From back of my Notebook

I scribble things at the back of my notebook to keep me anchored during the storms encountered daily. Thought of sharing some of those here………..

My Problems change size and behavior based on how I see them. (My old ‘Stress’ glasses always make them look bigger and scarier)

One step at a time is still the best way to cover a thousand miles

Only limits that work for me are the ones that I decide

When I don’t decide for myself then I end up living someone else’s decision for me and I don’t always like that

When I own up to my mistakes, it becomes so much easier to get a solution

When I feel good, I look good ---- (Okay! Stop laughing, I really do)

When I am happy the weather gets better (you may say it just appears better and not actually get better, I can bet it does get better; try it yourself)

I am responsible for my behavior ALWAYS (same as anyone else; so I don’t need to be stressed by how someone else behaves)

Whatever the challenge is, I don’t lose as long as I don’t give up

Though I think I never won a lottery, but getting born into a family like mine and then getting a wife and kids like I have is no less than a hitting a jackpot

I diminish my chances to win as soon as I start to lose my temper

When you spent 15 hours days at work to circumvent a challenge, the happiness of achieving success after that however big but can never ease the guilt of missing your Son’s school play

When I don’t like someone the feeling is usually mutual

I can be as good (or as bad) at something as I really want

The faster I run in the wrong direction, quicker I get lost 
(but many a times the focus is expected to be on speed and not direction; and I never understand that logic)


  1. Great said!!

    It always comes "I" with anything we do right or wrong or think or achieve or lose in life
