Defining Being

As you may know me.... I try to pen my feelings, with more honesty than with language and grammar. While reading the posts below you may experience what compelled me to write these.
While I was thinking of giving a name to my Blog; this came to me; "Nuances of Being"
Being "Me" is the best that I am at and hope that will show in the posts below

And Thanks for reading


Friday, April 19, 2013


Forget the GPS era and even the digital printable directions. Rewind to the days when travel was based on knowing and following what you are told. You reach a crossroad and you don’t remember which way to turn. The turn that can decide where you end up. Confusion, fear, frustration, hope (to find a clue) and a lot more emotions can be experienced in a time like that.

But have you ever thought that if you are on a crossroads, not sure which way to go and all of a sudden you realize that the journey is not about the destination, it is all about living the way and exploring it while you travel. And in reality there are no ‘wrong turns’ just the turns that you take and the turns that you don’t. The road doesn’t end the journey doesn’t end till you decide to stop. It goes on…. And on!

And there is one such traveler, smiling at each crossroad on the way; always making the correct choice (knowing that there is no wrong choice; just the freedom to choose). Turning where the faith takes and knowing that road is the ultimate destination. Looking at his co-travelers on the way; hoping that they know the same secret that the road shares at every turn. “The only wrong turn is the one you take while lacking the faith.”

Looking at the co-travelers, they make it even more beautiful; even more worthwhile. Remembering those who traveled along for some time before making a different turn at some cross road somewhere on the way. Thinking where their paths lead them to? Stopping at some place to rest and occasionally bumping into someone who had taken a different turn many lifes ago. Smiling knowing that those coincidences just strengthen the belief that all paths cross each other and all paths lead to a common place. A place where the bliss is in knowing that the Journey is the only real thing.

If you missed the beauty along the road while travelling just because you were thinking of the destination; then you will have to come back to travel that piece again (and again as long as you don’t see what the road had offered)

One such day, tired, doubtful, frustrated traveler; having gone through many cross roads, turning based on faith and always knowing that all turns taken were correct; still doubts and fears, what if one of those turns were wrong? So hoping that someone will hold a hand and assure that no mistake was made on the way. But that someone doesn’t exist outside of the traveler.

Close the eyes; rest the head on the pillow; let the sweet pain from the sore muscles after the travel dissolve slowly while you enter the sleep. Dream hopefully about the road that lies out for tomorrow. Know that the journey is going well. Know that all the crossroads were opportunities; none of them were a challenge.

Sleep now traveler; tomorrow will be another day. Sunny or overcast that doesn’t matter, what matters is that tomorrow will be there, a new day, showing a new path, urging to travel again, offering newer crossroads and allowing you to pick the opportunity that is destined for you!!!

1 comment:

  1. In Nutshell - There is always a New Day; new Life and a New Begining for everyone.

