Defining Being

As you may know me.... I try to pen my feelings, with more honesty than with language and grammar. While reading the posts below you may experience what compelled me to write these.
While I was thinking of giving a name to my Blog; this came to me; "Nuances of Being"
Being "Me" is the best that I am at and hope that will show in the posts below

And Thanks for reading


Sunday, January 1, 2023

Welcome 2023

 This one sprinted even faster than the last few, but what a ride 2022 had been!!

Starting with the light being brighter on the end of the Covid tunnel, strengthening the hope that the world is moving out soon. The hope came to fruition towards later part of the year, but did it? Fresh fear from the east of the globe, started bringing the masks back on store shelves and on top of our noses in the malls by December.

But 2020-2021 prepared us to handle the Covid situation better, collectively as a team, the whole human race. Hope you say Amen to that.

On a personal front 2022 had an interesting travel itinerary. A maiden trip to Aruba in spring. And another maiden trip, this time to Hawaii in winter.  

Two beautiful islands in two different oceans, on 2 different sides of continental USA. All that contrast and yet the natural beauty, the blue of waters, the roar in waves, the warmth in people was identical. Such harmony in spite of the vast distance is greatly inspiring.

Between these two there was a trip to India to meet the family. Travelled to Amritsar after more than 10 years. Prayed in the Golden Temple, a shrine that I used to see daily and visit most of the days. Offered prayers and hope that those prayers will be answered.


Had my poetry collection book launched and received real fan mail this year.
I was over joyed and humbled at the same time. God has been very kind. Seems some prayers were being heard.

Although some events of 2022 suggest that a lot more Prayers are needed.

Stock market drop caused heart ache to many in 2022. Pray that world economy improves.

A scarier situation, had been the war in Ukraine. Pray that war ends soon, and cease to harm the humanity more.

There has been the civil uprising in Iran. What are they demanding?  Simplistically put the demand is basic human rights. How can any regime in this day and age suppress that? Pray that their basic right to live without fear is restored and no more loss of life and innocence is needed on that account.

A lot on personal and work and world front that defined 2022, but all that is over with the new dawn of new year. The book has turned the page, starting now is chapter 2023. Let us see what is written in the pages to come. A whole 365-page chapter. Good news, there is a lot unsaid on those pages, we all will write our own stories on those. Pray that we write good ones.

With this hope and prayer, I turn the page and welcome 2023. Please continue to share what you write in your book and I promise I will share mine.

Let us make it an Awesome chapter for all.

Let us all Pray as we Welcome 2023!!!



  1. Even I will think on these lines today

  2. Your sharing has made me churn my thoughts & Definitely will write our stories as well, looking forward to breakthroughs in 2023. All the very best to you and all.
