Defining Being

As you may know me.... I try to pen my feelings, with more honesty than with language and grammar. While reading the posts below you may experience what compelled me to write these.
While I was thinking of giving a name to my Blog; this came to me; "Nuances of Being"
Being "Me" is the best that I am at and hope that will show in the posts below

And Thanks for reading


Saturday, August 12, 2023

Collective Karma


Burnt Banyan tree - Image from
The news channels are showing devastation from the fires in the island of Maui in Hawaii. Loss of life, devastation, despair and destruction is seen in every frame that is aired in news. This could have a similar impact as other such news that one sees, sad and upsetting. But this is not just that, in addition to being Sad and upsetting it is emotionally devastating, a personal hurt.

Banyan Tree - Dec'22 by Nikhil
Would not have been that if I had not roamed the markets in Lahaina just a few months ago. When the island of Maui and the streets of Lahaina had been a very generous host to my family during our first ever vacation in Hawaii. The famous banyan tree of Lahaina was an instant friend as I saw it. 

Rooster in Maui - Dec'22 by Nikhil
The banyan tree was not just a tree but an experience that I had verbally shared with almost everyone I met since the visit. The cradling shade of the tree that gave us shelter along with many other visitors, locals, homeless and the carefree roosters (who I learnt was an invasive species in the island, but had made it home many generations ago and the island generously accepted). 

The banyan tree's shade was a blessing for all, displaying the concept of inclusion, equality and equity for all, irrespective of race, gender or even species

A concept that many corporations and societies work so hard to explain and implement.

But now that tree is burnt in the fires that devastated the island. The shelter and the blessing is scorched. The death toll keeps on rising and loss of property, life and hope is heart-rendering.

What can one do, feeling helpless since it is a bad natural disaster. BUT IS IT A NATURAL DISASTER?

Wildfires were due to unprecedented heat, a direct aftermath of global warming. The uncontrolled spread of fires can be attributed to the hurricane winds. Hurricanes that are becoming intense each year due to climate change. Are we responsible? One species who claim to be the best creation of the almighty. 

Not even worth getting in a debate on this topic. I have my opinion that we humans collectively are responsible to a great extent for earth's climate situation.  Our actions, our choices, our karma must take some responsibility.

Banyan Tree of Lahaina - Dec'22 By Nikhil

The banyan tree had amazing karma of its own providing shade and shelter for all for more than a dozen decades, but still it paid the price of the Karma of human race. Similar can be said about many who lost their life or livelihood or home in fire. 

I think when we share the planet, we do share some impact of each other's Karma to some extent. There is the Collective Karma at work some time. That collective Karma harmed the big banyan tree.

But if collective Karma can damage, I have hope that collective Karma can heal too. And so I pray for that Tree to restore to its past glory, (I hope it is only damaged and not destroyed.)

Let us make small changes in our everyday life. Let our collective Karma start to heal what is damaged.

Remember theory of Karma is tightly bound to the concept of free will. Free Will gives us the option to choose our actions to harm or to heal.

Let us heal what is damaged. Let our collective Karma be a constructive force. 

Banyan tree over an Acre- Dec'22 By Nikhil


Saturday, August 5, 2023

मंदिर की सीड़ी

 हर वो जगह जहाँ हम ने माथा टेका, जहाँ पहुंचना ज़रूरी था, चाहे वो मंदिर हो या पाठशाला या कुछ और, किसी न किसी सीड़ी से सहारा तो लिया होगा | कोई ईंट होगी जिसने बोझ सहा होगा।किसी दीवार का सहारा ले कर खड़े हुए होंगे।  कोई रेलिंग पकड़ी होगी। यह कविता उस सीड़ी, उस दीवार उस रेलिंग के नाम। 

कीचड़ सने पैरो को भी
अपने माथे पे उठाती है
धन्य है मंदिर की सीड़ी जो 
ईश्वर मूरत तक पहुंचाती है

ईश्वर नमन कर के लौटो तो
उस सीढ़ी का भी सत्कार करो
उसके धैर्य की शक्ति है जो 
पूजन सम्पूर्ण  करवाती है
धन्य है मंदिर की सीड़ी जो 
ईश्वर मूरत तक पहुंचाती है

वो टूटे या खंडित ना हो  
इतना ही बस स्मरण रहे 
सीड़ी क्षीण हो टूट जाये तो 
राह कठिन हो जाती है
धन्य है मंदिर की सीड़ी जो 
ईश्वर मूरत तक पहुंचाती है