Defining Being

As you may know me.... I try to pen my feelings, with more honesty than with language and grammar. While reading the posts below you may experience what compelled me to write these.
While I was thinking of giving a name to my Blog; this came to me; "Nuances of Being"
Being "Me" is the best that I am at and hope that will show in the posts below

And Thanks for reading


Wednesday, March 1, 2023

धुंदला आइना 


धुंधले आईने में चेहरा देखते थे
चेहरा ही धुंदला है, ऐसा सोचते थे
कभी चेहरा धोते कभी छुपाते
दाग हमेशा फ़िर भी दिख जाते
रोज़ चेहरे पे जाने क्या क्या  घिसते रहे
बेगैरत दाग़ अक्स में  रोज़ाना दिखते रहे

अब सालों बाद आईना बदला
तब बात कहीं समझ में आयी
चेहरा साफ था आईना धुंदला
चेहरे पे  दाग नहीं था भाई
अब किस्मत को बुरा कहें 
या बोलें वक़्त हमें छल गया 
आईना साफ मिला तो जाना
घिस घिस के चेहरा ही ढल गया

Let me know if you think that the mirror in my Poem above is always a mirror. Or what it can be if it is not a mirror !!!


  1. To me mirror means sense of self pity. But this happens to lot of people.

  2. What if you are your own mirror. Not perfection but improvement.

    1. So true. Being your own mirror can be the key. Thanks

  3. The exact opposite perspective:
    ग़ालिब ताउम्र ये भूल करता रहा
    धूल चेहरे पर थी, आईना साफ करता रहा

    1. True. That is why I wrote this. To be self aware and not beliveing that every time the mirror is perfect and imperfection is in own face
