I closed my eyes and could see a silhouette of a man, sitting
solitary on a bench, immersed in deep thought. He is neither happy, nor sad,
neither enlightened, nor confused. Neither is he highly accomplished and nor
derived of accomplishments. He is neither tired, nor energetic to start a
fresh. So many ways he is there, neither a failure, nor a success. Living a well-off
life where all bills are paid, family is well clothed and well fed, guests are cared
for and some charity is possible.
I look at him and he reminds me of someone I know, someone I know
rather too well. Someone who I know is standing at the crossroads of many
things at the same time. And these crossroads have not been a new occurrence to
him. However the stakes are higher than usual, so the hesitation is greater than
usual. He knows there are no wrong turns, except the turns that you take while
lacking the faith+. He knows all needed to do
was to continue on with the journey. He knows the journey is always as
beautiful or as comfortable or as adventurous or as boring as he wants it to
be. But still the feet are pulled down by the weight of a million apprehensions. Even lifting one foot is painful and not moving is unwise.
The man on the bench looks upwards as if asking for divine guidance.
The Sun is setting and the breeze is cooling the warmth of summer. A song from
more than a decade ago starts playing in his mind, “You're packing a suitcase
for a place none of us has been. A place that has to be believed, to be
seen……Walk on!!”*
He thinks he has his answer. He is unsure of the consequences. He
doesn’t know if he will regret the consequences of his decision, but he is certain
now that he will never regret an indecision. Crossroads have presented
themselves and his only responsibility is to take the turn he wants, stopping
is the only action to avoid here. So just walk on….
The Man on the bench gets up and start walking, his profile fading
away in setting Sun. And I know I have the answer that my friend is looking
for, and I also know I will not have to tell him as he will know it too, himself.
‘* “Walk
on” a famous and incredibly inspiring song by "U2"
Note: All pictures clicked by Nikhil Dogra
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