Defining Being

As you may know me.... I try to pen my feelings, with more honesty than with language and grammar. While reading the posts below you may experience what compelled me to write these.
While I was thinking of giving a name to my Blog; this came to me; "Nuances of Being"
Being "Me" is the best that I am at and hope that will show in the posts below

And Thanks for reading


Wednesday, February 1, 2017

एक सवाल, नेताओं से

I was in India a few days back and all the TV channels were heated with the state election talks. Some old and some new faces of the "leaders" were spewing promises non stop and so I thought of a humble question. Hope you like it and may even ask if you get a chance.

एक सवाल, नेताओं से  

हमारी खाल से बाल खींच के 
हम को ही ओढ़ाते हो 
ऐसे टेड़े आईडिया, नेता जी 
कहो कहाँ से लाते हो?

काले सफ़ेद का भेद बता कर 
हमें चक्कर में उलझाते हो 
हरे को  गुलाबी कर के भी 
घर अपने ही भर जाते हो 
ऐसे टेड़े आईडिया, नेता जी 
कहो कहाँ से लाते हो?

बांधे राखी ये ईद मिले हम 
यह आप को कब भाया है?
जात, प्रांत का, रंग, धर्म का 
भेद हमें समझने को 
नहरें , नदियां रुकवा देते हो 
बस्तियां , घर जलवाते हो 
ऐसे टेड़े आईडिया, नेता जी 
कहो कहाँ से लाते हो?


  1. Wah ji Wah!
    Ek pal mein network planning aur ek pal mein kavita
    Aise wonderful ideas aap kahan se late ho.

    Sakshat Pranam aapko.

    1. Visiting India right around some key states elections made me write this. Glad you liked :) ..... being PACEed up is making the Poet in me more open. Thanks for the encouragement
