Defining Being

As you may know me.... I try to pen my feelings, with more honesty than with language and grammar. While reading the posts below you may experience what compelled me to write these.
While I was thinking of giving a name to my Blog; this came to me; "Nuances of Being"
Being "Me" is the best that I am at and hope that will show in the posts below

And Thanks for reading


Monday, January 25, 2016


Recently a very close friend of mine had a big decision to make in his life. And while discussing some things, the discussion zeroed down to one term; by far the most important virtue for a successful relation; Fidelity. We discussed and debated; Right and wrong, Good and Bad. And more we try to untangle this term the more we got tangled in it and then I said…

Fidelity is a very Personal Thing.

The definitions and boundaries are set individually. Society, family, culture and other such things do impact setting of those definitions and boundaries to some extent but not enough to make a sizeable impact to what one’s mind wants to set them at. And it is all fine as long as those definitions are set, boundaries drawn and one stays within. Over stepping occasionally and then coming back is seen as a victory rather than a fallacy.

All is good to that level. The challenge starts when you have people around you. Friends, family and above all your spouse. Boyfriend- Girlfriend, Live in partners or Married couples; one thing that they speak of is mutual trust and unfortunately fidelity is the measure of that trust. You may ask why that is a problem? Think about it; you have drawn your own boundaries and your partner has his or her own. There will be lines covering common areas; there will be lines crossing to cover a little here or there and then there will be lines that cover total uncharted territory for the other. It can go well into a domain very comfortably for one but the same domain for the other can be a big taboo as how the partner’s boundaries are drawn. Also there are situations when one partner redraws the boundaries to better match with other partner and they move along happily.

Have you ever witnessed a situation; when years down the line both reach the place where one has redrawn the line? The one who had redrawn stands well within the limits; proudly thinking and hoping that the partner for whom the boundary was redrawn would be feeling proud. But then the partner form whose sake the boundary was redrawn is easily, comfortably venturing out and enjoying it too? Not only that the same partner who had asked for that redrawing fails to remember that the other partner had drawn those boundaries purely in the name mutual respect. While that partner who has redrawn those boundaries; and is witnessing this from the other side with disbelief and even pain; is also getting blamed for being overly orthodox and exceedingly naive.  A simple statement at that time like; “this is how things should be, I don’t understand why you behave like this. Why can’t you see it as a normal thing like I do, like everyone else does?” appears no less than a death sentence. It is a death sentence as those boundaries define you as you are scratching them is like killing a part of you. Also it is always difficult to redraw an already redrawn boundary.

But no one is wrong here; no one to be blamed. Orthodox or open, faithful or infidel all these are very subjective. All these definitions are very personal. And so is the joy and the pain associated with them. All one can do is look at the situation and look at other things around it and see if it is worth moving on or it needs moving away and whatever that decision is just implement and go on. Pain and wounds heal with time and tending. Scars never leave, though they fade, if you give them enough undisturbed time.

Fidelity stays an extremely personal thing. So when you find someone whose boundaries are drawn similar to yours just stick with that person, and consider yourself lucky. Make sure that you walk together enough and you talk frequently enough so that if there is any redrawing needed that gets the same environment, as after that it is all what your mind decides.

After all Fidelity is a very Personal Thing

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