Defining Being

As you may know me.... I try to pen my feelings, with more honesty than with language and grammar. While reading the posts below you may experience what compelled me to write these.
While I was thinking of giving a name to my Blog; this came to me; "Nuances of Being"
Being "Me" is the best that I am at and hope that will show in the posts below

And Thanks for reading


Monday, January 15, 2024

आस का गीत

There is so much happening in the world, some fill hope and some feel hopeless. In recent months I learnt about some old friends losing their jobs to cost cutting and some feeling too depressed. Also a few others who are battling with some ailment. Thinking about them I wrote the lines below and want to share as a verse of hope (आस का गीत in Hindi) , the theme is "however dark the nights a new Dawn always follow." Let me know your thoughts in the comments below. 

रास्ता भटका नहीं हैं, 
भले  मंज़िल अभी नहीं मिल रही           
बगीचा महकेगा, 
भले कलियाँ अभी नहीं खिल रही

रात है काली  तो क्या? 
दिन कितना ही दूर होगा?
अंधेरा खुद भागेगा जब 
उगते सूरज का नूर होगा

जब तक सुबह न आ जाये , 
चलो तब तक सपने बोते हैं
जो रात की स्याही से न डरे
उसी के दिन रौशन होते हैं

दिन निकलेगा तो राह 
खुद ही मिल जाएगी
गुनगुनी धूप में कलियाँ 
खुद ही खिल जाएंगी

धीरज और उम्मीद के दो किनारे 
मजबूत रखो तो ही 
जिंदगी की नदी खुशी की लहरें 
में से  मुस्कुरायेगी 

Monday, January 1, 2024

Welcome 2024


A ritualistic recap of the year that just ended while welcoming the one that is starting. This is what I started doing a few years ago and would continue. Some days I go back to some past year starts and revisit those notes, refreshing the memories.

Today the calendar turned the page and here I am with another goodbye note, this time to 2023 which just ended.

First of all an observation, someone has pressed the fast forward button on my calendar and the years are turning faster than they should. 2023 went past at super high speed too.

Multiple wars and conflicts, some continuing from the prior year and some starting new, a more divided humanity, natural disasters, Warmest year on record for some parts of the world and similar heartbreaks kept the year somewhat wounded. However sporting events like Asian games and cricket world
cup, stories of courage and care amongst war and conflict, super hit movies with diverse themes and a recovery of the stock market, all those kept on providing the much needed balm effect to the year. So overall however hopeless things may appear from one vantage point, 2023 showed that hope lives strong and humanity stays at the helm to steer this in the right direction. 

On a personal side, a short vacation in summer to Mexico and another short break to the Bahamas around Christmas helped with the needed course correction to the ship of life. 

Will not add a lot in today's welcome to 2024, just a small wish list

Humanity - Want to give everyone a slogan, we are "One Species One Race" (OSOR) and remove all conflicts by relating to the message of being One RACE. Be the ONE RACE each day of 2024

Family - Health is too precious to be ignored, someone always is waiting for you at home, STAY HEALTHY  (for that someone)each day of 2024.

Kids - You are more important than most and you are the future. SHINE BRIGHT  (and lead the way) each day of 2024.

Friends - Thank God you are there, from serious support to most stupid joke, you make it worthwhile, BE THERE (I promise to BE THERE for you) each day of 2024 

Self- Everything is too worthy to give up so HOLD ON (no matter what the challenge, the stakes or the state of mind) each day of 2024

God - GUIDE AND HEAL ALL (you know what we need as Human race, as Family, as Kids , as Friends and as individuals, hear our prayers or don't but give what is best for all)each day of 2024 

While I convey my gratitude for the year that just ended and the new year that is starting, I want to remind everyone, 2024 is a leap year, a full 24 extra hours to feel blessed, to spread joy, to celebrate and to be worthy. Don't miss to use that gift as it is rare and won't be granted again for 1460 days. 

 Hope to review this wish list with you after 366 days!!!