Defining Being

As you may know me.... I try to pen my feelings, with more honesty than with language and grammar. While reading the posts below you may experience what compelled me to write these.
While I was thinking of giving a name to my Blog; this came to me; "Nuances of Being"
Being "Me" is the best that I am at and hope that will show in the posts below

And Thanks for reading


Friday, July 19, 2019


Chisel a few pounds (or add a few in some cases), remove the salt from the salt and pepper hairlines. And there they were, nothing else seem to have changed. There the bunch was, the fun-loving college mates from more than 2 decades ago. We were not in the Hostels (old or new) anymore. Instead in a resort. We had no classes to skip today, for fun activities around the clock. 

Other common was the valleys around us. Not the dusty ones with harsh-weather-ravines from Deccan plateau in India, but lush green Appalachian Mountains of North America with its silky, silvery blue rivulets. But valleys are valleys and who better knows valleys than the one who has lived in Osmanabad.

Any how the time was rolled back 20+ years for most of us. The festivities that lasted for a weekend. The fun, the food the dances the jokes and above all the togetherness as none of us had been staying apart for more than 2 decades.
Spouses joined with equal zeal and familiarity as they have grown to know their respective spouse for years and what anyone of us was without our college experience. The kids got together as if those friendships were coded in their DNA.  And one observation was that although many children had grown into their teens or post teen years but most parents had not aged at all.

We all departed 2 days later, with promises of meeting again. Promises of staying in touch, promises of doing this frequently. And I for one remember similar promises made more than 20 years ago, while leaving the other building near the valleys, that I have not kept well. And I might not be the only one. However this time I am promising myself that I will commit to those promises and will not let them fade away under the day to day situations.

I know this time I will keep them, as I am more mature than I was 20 plus years ago.

I missed seeing some friends that I had known during college days and who could not join this reunion. I have vowed to share the stories and talks with them to make them feel what I felt (and may be make them envious too; after all what are friends for)

Next Gen 
The more I want to write about this the less words I am getting to justify what was lived and felt in those 2 days. I think that is what a beautiful experience is about, not enough words to express. (usually I am not short of words to write, but this was beyond what I can define in words)

So, friends if you were there, if you read it, let me know if you can fill in some better words more fitting the reunion.

I for now will bask in the memories for some time. So long till we meet again!!!

Referring to dictionary I find all the definitions very apt for what it was-
·         an instance of two or more people coming together again after a period of separation.
·         a social gathering attended by members of a certain group of people who have not seen each other for some time.
·         the act or process of being brought together again as a unified whole.